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Shipyard with luxury yacht on the Kiel Canal is on fire

Huge cloud of smoke

Around 200 firefighters are deployed in Schacht-Audorf.
Around 200 firefighters are deployed in Schacht-Audorf.

Shipyard with luxury yacht on the Kiel Canal is on fire

The luxury yacht "Honolulu" is almost completed at the Lürssen-Kröger shipyard at the North-Ostsee-Kanal, when a fire breaks out at the Lürssen-Kröger yard in Schacht-Audorf. Large smoke clouds are visible over the terrain, the fire department is on the scene with a large contingent. A nearby residential area is being evacuated.

At the Lürssen-Kröger shipyard in Schacht-Audorf at the North-Ostsee-Kanal near the Rader Hochbrücke, a fire has broken out. A ship hall, in which a yacht is located, is burning, according to a fire department spokesperson. Around 200 firefighters are on site to extinguish the flames. According to police reports, the fire has been contained to the hall. Other buildings are unaffected. The surrounding buildings have been secured and protected. An attempt is being made to enter the burning hall to cool it down.

According to the news portal "", quoting the police, parts of the hall wall have collapsed. The yacht "Honolulu", which was located inside, was reportedly almost completed. The yard was evacuated. The shipping traffic on the North-Ostsee-Kanal is reportedly not affected. Due to the strong smoke development, the population in the area is asked to keep windows and doors closed and to turn off ventilation and air conditioning systems. According to police reports, one person suffered from mild gas poisoning. Due to the spreading fire, the police began evacuating the residential area behind the yard in the afternoon.

The Lürssen shipbuilding group has its headquarters in Bremen and specializes in the construction of luxury yachts. At the Schacht-Audorf location, according to company statements, medium and large yachts from 55 to 110 meters in length are built, as well as refits and maintenance work on smaller ships.

According to the "Bild" newspaper, the yard in Schacht-Audorf delivered the 122-meter long luxury yacht "Kismet" to the US billionaire Shahid Khan in early May. The yacht is reportedly worth around 350 million Euros.

The fire at the Lürssen-Kröger shipyard is not limited to the Baltic Sea region, as the company also has a presence in Schacht-Audorf, located near the North-Ostsee-Kanal. International firefighting resources may be needed to help contain the blaze, considering the size and value of the yachts being built. The fire department's efforts to save the nearly completed yacht "Honolulu" and prevent the spread of the fire to the North Sea are crucial.

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