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Severe weather conditions in Australia prompt forced relocations and power outages.

Particularly impacted the southern region

Severe weather conditions in Australia prompt forced displacements and power interruptions.
Severe weather conditions in Australia prompt forced displacements and power interruptions.

Severe weather conditions in Australia prompt forced relocations and power outages.

Intense weather with torrential rain and violent storms has led to extensive flooding and power failures in certain areas of Australia. Officials released evacuation orders for six communities situated around Derwent River on Tasmania's island, following a flood alert issued by the country's meteorological agency for the river. The south was hit particularly hard.

Approximately 100,000 individuals in Tasmania and Victoria, including Melbourne, experienced temporary power loss, according to ABC News. Chris Kilby, a Westwood farmer in northern Tasmania, described the winds as "just bloody terrible." The storm destroyed roofs and uprooted trees. A 63-year-old woman lost her life when a tree collapsed onto a vacation cottage in Moama, a town situated on the border between New South Wales and Victoria.

Sydney was also affected: The fierce storm caused over thirty flights to be cancelled at the city's airport. One runway remained operational, as a Sky News Australia representative announced.

On the other hand, Western Australia and the Northern Territory have experienced unprecedented heatwaves - it's winter in Australia. The widely-visited Kimberley region registered a record high of 41.5°C last week at the Yampi Sound weather station, marking the highest temperature ever recorded at this time of year. August was Australia's warmest month on record, as reported by Weatherzone. The nation is particularly susceptible to the impacts of climate change.

Despite the extreme weather conditions in other parts of Australia, Western Australia and the Northern Territory have endured unprecedented heatwaves, making it challenging for locals to adapt. These heatwaves, occurring during Australia's winter, have raised concerns about the region's vulnerability to climate change.

In contrast to the chaos caused by the severe weather in other regions, the evacuation orders for communities near Derwent River were issued due to flood alerts, emphasizing the need for communities to have procedures in place for various types of weather-related emergencies.

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