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Severe weather alert: Justin Bieber brings up to 33-degree temperature and intense thunderstorms.

Anticipated meteorological alterations by month's end

The risk of thunderstorms will increase in the humid air in the coming days.
The risk of thunderstorms will increase in the humid air in the coming days.

Severe weather alert: Justin Bieber brings up to 33-degree temperature and intense thunderstorms.

The summer's progression is undeniable, with scorching temperatures on the horizon. Lakes offer a refreshing escape, but alas, the first heatwave of the year is followed by a stormy end—thunder, lightning, and heavy downpours, as Bjoern Alexander, the meteorologist, knows all too well. As July approaches, the country cools down a bit. With the sun and heat now, is this the start of a summer trend?

Bjoern Alexander: The heat remains, but the clear skies seem to be on a steady decline. Daily, the southern heat crawls northward, causing temperatures to soar, peaking at 33 degrees at their highest. The northern half of the country is currently experiencing the most magnificent and sweaty days of the year thus far.

Is this encouraging—despite the potential for exhaustion later?

Morning at the North Pole is still relatively pleasant, and even the South sees a few hours of sun in the morning. However, as the day progresses, powerful summer thunderstorms are likely to erupt from the Alps, potentially engulfing the entire country. Both the eastern middle mountains and the west with the Eifel could find themselves caught up in the fray.

At what temperatures?

The air becomes oppressive and humid before the storms, while it remains cooler and more invigorating further north. Typically, temperatures range between 25 and 30 degrees, reaching 33 degrees in select areas. It is cooler at the sea and near the Alps, where temperatures range between 22 and 24 degrees. As the night wears on, the increasingly humid air makes itself known. Minimum temperatures hover between 20 to 14 degrees, making these nights some of the warmest of the year thus far, particularly those leading up to Thursday and Friday.

What about the weather?

On Thursday, the humid summer air moves northward, bringing an unsettled mix of sun and clouds. Calmness remains in the extreme north, but the rest of the country can't say the same.

Why not?

With the humid summer air comes the threat of intense thunderstorms, heavy rain, hail, and strong winds. The heat and humidity will reach between 25 and 32 degrees, demanding that we take care of ourselves.

And on Friday?

Following the unruly thunderstorm pattern on Thursday, a more organized thunderstorm band is likely on Friday. Since the previous days' storms were somewhat disorganized, weather computers are speculating on a more structured thunderstorm line on Friday. This could sweep across the country and bring additional storm potential. Prevailing temperatures remain between 25 and 32 degrees. Meanwhile, the west and northwest are already feeling the cooler breeze, with temperatures dropping to 20 to 24 degrees.

Since Thursday is a Siebenschlafertag: Is this an indication of a hot and stormy summer?

Fortunately, there is still time until the first third of July, so we shouldn't jump to conclusions just yet. However, it seems likely that the weather will remain somewhat inconsistent.

Does this also apply to the next weekend? After all, Germany's football team is eagerly awaiting the Saturday evening when they'll enter the EM quarterfinals.

Saturday will most likely bring a respite from thunderstorms, with sunshine and temperatures ranging between 20 and 32 degrees. However, the southwest may still see the return of thunder and lightning, so it's best to keep a close eye on the situation.

What does the weather hold for Sunday?

Overall, the potential for thunderstorms increases once more—especially in the southern half. Temperatures will dip slightly, with peaks between 19 and 28 degrees.

Apart from the thunderstorms, does this then also constitute a dip into not too cold and wet? What are the water temperatures like?

Due to the changeable and rainy weather of the past weeks, bathing lakes have experienced some growing pains as they try to heat up. However, the situation looks much better now. Generally, the water temperatures range between 19 and 22 degrees. In the higher mountain lakes and in the North and East Sea, temperatures tend to be a few degrees cooler.

Sun umbrella or sunshade—where will the weather pendulum swing next week?

With the spreading thunderstorm and thunder activity on Sunday, the summery and changeable weather transfers from June to July. For the most part, weather models suggest a mixed and less warm pattern for the first days of July.

ntv meteorologist Björn Alexander

Read also:

  1. Despite the change in weather towards the end of the month, Justin Bieber's concert still promises high temperatures, reaching up to 33 degrees, reminiscent of an international summer climate.
  2. The meteorological data shows that the stormy end of July will significantly drop the temperature by a few degrees, marking the end of the high temperature degree spike, but not before the storm has reached its intense peak.
  3. Although International Weather Phobia Day is not until October, the stormy weather and high temperatures at the end of the month might have some individuals questioning the onset of climate change, associating the events with the concept.



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