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Severe rebuke towards the Selensky protest against BSW.

The AfD parliamentary faction criticizes the given speech.

Only empty seats on the right: only four AfD MPs followed Selenskyj's speech live. The BSW MPs do...
Only empty seats on the right: only four AfD MPs followed Selenskyj's speech live. The BSW MPs do not form their own parliamentary group.

Severe rebuke towards the Selensky protest against BSW.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy addressed the German Parliament for the second time, this time physically present. However, representatives from the Left Party (BSW) and a significant portion of the AfD faction chose to skip the session, leading to harsh criticism.

The announcement of BSW's absence from Zelenskyy's speech in the Bundestag sparked outrage in Berlin. State Secretary Katja Mast of the SPD wrote, "What BSW and Wagenknecht are doing here is embarrassing and disrespectful." The FDP's parliamentary leader, Christian Dürr, added, "The people who always say you have to talk to each other are now doing the opposite." FDP European representative, Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann, went on X and said, "With BSW, Putin now has a second party in Germany that follows him unquestioningly."

The AfD faction in the Bundestag criticized Zelenskyy's speech. "We do not accept listening to a masked speaker," Alice Weidel and Tino Chrupalla, AfD parliamentary leaders, stated. They deemed Zelenskyy's term expired and called him a "war and beggar president." They asserted that the country needs "no war president" but a "negotiation-ready peace president." The party's leadership decided to skip Zelenskyy's speech in the Bundestag on Monday, although four AfD MPs were present.

Michael Roth, SPD's foreign policy expert, took to X and criticized Wagenknecht and the BSW, saying, "Denying respect to a democratic president who fights for the freedom of his country is despicable." Green politician Konstantin von Notz described Wagenknecht and BSW's behavior as "paving the way for Putin's escalating and imperialist aggression." Green faction leader, Britta Haßelmann, highlighted the party's MPs' actions, seeing it as "an honor" for Zelenskyy to speak in the Bundestag.

BSW politician Sevim Dagdelen confirmed that the party's parliament members would not attend the special session with Zelenskyy. Dagdelen told the AFP, "By staying away, we are sending a message of solidarity with all Ukrainians who desire an immediate ceasefire and negotiated resolution rather than being forced to fight as cannon fodder in a war that cannot be won by President Zelenskyy."

Zelenskyy addressed the German MPs for the second time. In March 2022, a few weeks after the onset of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, he spoke via video and pleaded directly with Chancellor Scholz for more military support: "Dear Chancellor Scholz, break down the wall. Give Germany the leadership role it deserves."

In the BSW's statement on t-online, they accused Zelenskyy of contributing to a "dangerous escalation spiral." They expressed opposition to the war but didn't propose Russian troop withdrawal from occupied Ukrainian territories or an end to Russian aggression while respecting Ukrainian sovereignty and territorial integrity. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is present at a reconstruction conference for Ukraine in Berlin. BSW has previously criticized Western support for Ukraine against Russian aggression.

BSW Focuses Only on Ukraine

In its statement on t-online, BSW accuses Zelenskyy of advancing a "dangerous escalation spiral." While condemning Russia's lawless war in Ukraine, BSW believes Zelenskyj is promoting an "open escalation of the war" and demanding NATO military involvement. BSW fears that this could lead to a nuclear conflict.

The alliance has been critical of Western governments' lack of negotiation readiness towards Russia. Wagenknecht and BSW have, until now, focused their calls for de-escalation solely on Ukraine and its Western backers, neglecting to address ending Russian aggression or withdrawal of Russian troops. This aligns with their stance on Western support for Ukraine against Russian aggression.

Read also:

The absence of BSW representatives during Volodymyr Selensky's speech at the German Bundestag drew criticism, with State Secretary Katja Mast calling their actions embarrassing and disrespectful. Additionally, the AfD faction condemned Zelenskyy's speech, with leaders Alice Weidel and Tino Chrupalla labeling him a "war and beggar president" and calling for a "negotiation-ready peace president."



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