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Several large forest and bush fires in Greece

On Kos, Chios and Crete

Several large forest and bush fires in Greece
Several large forest and bush fires in Greece

Several large forest and bush fires in Greece

In Greece, hundreds of firefighters are battling several large forest and brush fires. These fires are burning on the islands of Kos, Chios, and Creta. According to the fire department, around 50 fires broke out in the country in the past 24 hours - most of which were quickly brought under control.

On the island of Chios, six firefighters were lightly injured during firefighting efforts. A 63-year-old man was arrested for allegedly causing the fire - whether intentionally or unintentionally was initially unknown.

On the island of Kos, several villages and hotels had to be evacuated in the night. The people were temporarily accommodated in other accommodations and sports facilities, as posts from the affected people on social media showed. The news portal "Kos24" reported in the morning that the fire was largely under control and that people were slowly being returned to their accommodations.

There was also a fire near the Crete city of Heraklion, but no residents or tourists were endangered. According to the Greek Civil Protection, there is high forest fire danger in the eastern part of Crete, in the northern part of the Peloponnese peninsula, and in central Greece on Tuesday.

The fires on Chios led to six firefighters suffering minor injuries during their efforts. Despite the conditions, the 63-year-old man from Chios was apprehended, with initial reports suggesting his involvement, whether intentional or accidental, was unclear. The nearby island of Crete also faced a brushfire near Heraklion, but fortunately, no residents or tourists were threatened.

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