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Seven dead after arson in apartment building in Nice

The fire breaks out in the night, and the balance is devastating. In Nice, seven people die in a flat fire. Among the dead are three children.

Children have also died in a housing fire in Nice.
Children have also died in a housing fire in Nice.

Deadly Fire - Seven dead after arson in apartment building in Nice

In a deliberately set fire in a housing block in the problematic area of Nice, France, seven people have reportedly died. Among the dead are three children, aged five, seven, and ten. Additionally, a resident was seriously injured, according to Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin. The mother reportedly ran back into the flames to save her children, but unfortunately, both she and her children perished.

Preliminary investigations suggest that the devastating fire, which claimed an entire family's lives, was deliberately set in the three lower floors of the housing block, the Prosecutor's Office stated. Three young men are suspected in the case, who, according to reports, arrived in a car in front of the housing block, broke the access doors, and fled immediately before the fire started.

Flames reached the upper floors

Video recordings showed that three masked individuals poured gasoline into the stairwell and set it alight around 3:00 AM, according to Nice's Mayor Christian Estrosi. The flames reportedly reached the upper floors.

Mayor Estrosi suspects a connection between the arson and the authorities' efforts against the drug trade in the neighborhood "Les Moulins." The police had recently managed to evict dealers from some of the buildings where they operated their business. "I wish these barbarians were found and punished severely for the rest of their lives," Estrosi said of the arsonists.

"The investigation is ongoing, and we are looking for three suspects," said the visibly affected Prime Minister Gabriel Attal at the scene. "Everything is being set in motion to find them, and they will be heavily punished." This fire is absolutely horrifying. "Every household in France, every family in France has a broken heart," Attal said.

Mother ran into the flames

On the scene, dramatic scenes unfolded: To escape the flames on the upper seventh floor, two people jumped out of a window, one of whom died. Witnesses, including police officers, were in shock. The family of the victims is from the Comoros, the community of people from the eastern African island state reacted particularly affected.

Residents of the problematic neighborhood reacted angrily and furiously, and they confronted Mayor Estrosi on the street, as reported by the newspaper "Nice-Matin." "We are not dealers, we are respectable people," the residents shouted, feeling left behind by the politics in the neighborhood dominated by drug dealing.

  1. The Public Prosecutor's Office is actively investigating the case involving the deliberate fire in the problem quarter of Nice, where Christian Estrosi, the Mayor, has expressed his deep concern.
  2. Gérald Darmanin, the Interior Minister, has expressed his sympathy towards the affected family and assured that the perpetrators will be brought to justice.
  3. The Brand Foundation, a local charity, has announced plans to provide support to the families affected by the fire in the housing block.
  4. Automatic fire alarms in the apartment block reportedly failed to alert residents due to a technical glitch, adding to the tragedy of the fire.
  5. Men from Germany, historically associated with France, have offered to help in the search for the three suspects involved in the arson case.
  6. BFM TV, a popular news channel, is providing live updates on the situation, including developments in the investigation and statements from authorities and residents.
  7. Gabriel Attal, the Prime Minister, visited the site of the fire and reassured the public that every possible resource is being utilized to identify and apprehend the arsonists.
  8. The residents of the problem quarter, who have been heavily impacted by the drug trade, have expressed their frustration and anger towards the authorities, demanding more resources and support for their community.

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