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Separately, Zelensky sees Ukraine heading towards NATO - Kremlin warns

Kiev can draw more support from NATO states, including Germany, in the fight against the Russian assault war. Moscow, however, warns of a new Cold War.

Ukrainian President Zelensky sees his country further strengthened after the NATO summit.
Ukrainian President Zelensky sees his country further strengthened after the NATO summit.

Overview of the situation - Separately, Zelensky sees Ukraine heading towards NATO - Kremlin warns

The Ukraine looks strengthened in its fight against the Russian aggression war after the Nato Summit in Washington. Before joining the Military Alliance, Ukraine will focus on security agreements with Nato countries, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy stated in Washington after the Summit and in talks with US President Joe Biden. Ukraine will continue making progress in the development of its own security architecture.

The heads of state and government of the 32 Nato countries pledged support to Ukraine until its victory against Russia in their closing statement of the Summit. The Alliance is determined to support Ukraine in building a military capable of ending Russian aggression, as stated in a statement released after a meeting with Zelenskyy. Ukraine's fight for its independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity directly contributes to Euro-Atlantic security. The support from Nato will continue as long as necessary.

In the statement, the decisions of the Nato Summit to strengthen Ukraine were highlighted. The member states pledged to provide military aid worth over 40 billion Euros within the next year. Ukraine was also assured that it will no longer be obstructed on its way into the Defense Alliance. This is also meant to show Russian President Vladimir Putin that he should not expect Nato to tire of supporting Ukraine at some point.

Nato Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg described the Summit in his closing press conference as a "turning point". Ukraine has had a difficult winter and spring due to delays and gaps in weapon and ammunition deliveries, which had consequences on the battlefield. "We will not allow that to happen again," he said.

Ukraine is calling for the lifting of restrictions on the use of western weapons against Russian territory.

At a press conference with Stoltenberg, Zelenskyy once again demanded the lifting of all restrictions on the use of western weapons against Russian territory. "If we want to win and save our country, then all these restrictions must be lifted," he emphasized. It is mainly about military bases in the Russian hinterland from which rocket attacks like the one on the capital Kiev on Monday originate. "If they attack us and kill our children, it is insane to ask why we cannot attack this military base," said Zelenskyy.

Ukraine is defending itself with massive western support against the Russian invasion. Several Allies have provided Kiev with rockets and missile systems with longer ranges, but their use is limited to areas along the Ukrainian border with Russia.

Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) rejected Zelenskyy's demand for the lifting of all restrictions on the use of western weapons against Russian territory. "No one is advocating a change in the existing guidelines and regulations - for good reason," Scholz said at the end of the Nato Summit in Washington. "It is still our task to support Ukraine as much as possible, but to prevent an escalation of the war between Russia and Nato. And that requires wisdom, clarity, and firmness."

The USA is providing Ukraine with additional military aid.

The USA is providing additional military aid to Ukraine to counter Russian aggression, worth 225 million US dollars (around 207 million Euros). This package includes the previously announced Patriot air defense system, NASAMS missile defense system, multiple launch rocket systems of the HIMARS type, as well as artillery ammunition with calibers of 155 and 105 millimeters, according to the US government. The weapons reportedly come from US military stocks.

Just before the announcement, US President Biden and Zelensky met on the sidelines of the NATO summit. The USA and other NATO countries had promised extensive equipment to Ukraine for defense against Russian air raids at the beginning of the summit. Since the beginning of the Russian aggression, the USA, according to Pentagon figures, have provided military aid to Kiev in excess of 53.7 billion US dollars (around 49.4 billion Euros).

Federal Government: US weapons in Germany necessary

Chancellor, Vice Chancellor, and Defense Minister of the Ampel Government are in agreement: The announced stationing of long-range US weapons in Germany is an effective contribution to deterring Russian aggression. Defense Minister Boris Pistorius (SPD) told ZDF's "heute journal" at the NATO summit in Washington: "We have a new threat situation. Putin has shown what he is capable of."

To ARD's "Tagesthemen," the minister said there could be no talk of a new arms race. "Russia has had these weapons systems in place for a long time, for example - as we suspect - in Kaliningrad, which is in absolute range to Germany and other European nations."

The USA intends to station weapons in Germany for the protection of Europe. Chancellor Scholz and his Vice Robert Habeck (Greens) see this as necessary. "We know that there has been an incredible buildup in Russia, with weapons that threaten European territory," said Scholz in Washington. Habeck said the Russian buildup threatened "apparently also the NATO eastern flank." "Russia is not a peace partner at the moment," Habeck told the newspaper "Neue Westfälische" (Friday edition).

Moscow is approximately 1600 kilometers airline distance from Berlin. From 2026 onwards, Tomahawk missiles with a range of up to 2500 kilometers, SM-6 missile defense systems, and new supersonic weapons are to ensure better protection for NATO allies in Europe.

Moscow criticizes plans for US weapons in Germany

Russia reacted with warnings and threats to the planned stationing of US weapons in Germany. "We are on our way to a Cold War. All this has happened before," said Kremlin spokesman Dmitri Peskov to Russian state television. He accused Germany, the USA, France, and Great Britain of directly involving themselves in the conflict over Ukraine.

"All this is being done with the goal of undermining our country. All this is being done to ensure our strategic defeat on the battlefield," Peskov emphasized. Russia must take this into account. "This is no reason for pessimism. On the contrary: This is an incentive to come together and use our entire rich potential to achieve all the goals we have set in the context of the special military operation."

Meant is the Russian aggression against Ukraine, with which Moscow aims to prevent Kiev's NATO membership. Previously, Russian diplomats had also threatened a counter-reaction from Russia and warned of a new arms race.

  1. The strengthened Ukraine, in its fight against Russian aggression war, will focus on security agreements with NATO countries, as stated by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy after the US-President Joe Biden and NATO Summit in Washington.
  2. At the NATO Summit, the heads of state and government of the 32 NATO countries pledged support to Ukraine until its victory against Russia.
  3. The Alliance is determined to support Ukraine in building a military capable of ending Russian aggression, as stated in a statement released after a meeting with Zelenskyy.
  4. The decisions of the NATO Summit to strengthen Ukraine include pledging to provide military aid worth over 40 billion Euros within the next year.
  5. This military aid is meant to show Russian President Vladimir Putin that NATO will not tire of supporting Ukraine at some point.
  6. NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg described the Summit as a "turning point" due to the difficult winter and spring Ukraine faced due to delays and gaps in weapon and ammunition deliveries.
  7. Ukraine is calling for the lifting of restrictions on the use of western weapons against Russian territory to effectively defend itself against Russian invasion.
  8. Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz of Germany rejected Zelenskyy's demand for the lifting of all restrictions, stating that it's necessary to support Ukraine without escalating the war between Russia and NATO.
  9. The USA is providing additional military aid to Ukraine, worth 225 million US dollars, including the Patriot air defense system, NASAMS missile defense system, and HIMARS multiple launch rocket systems.
  10. The federal government of Germany is in agreement that the announced stationing of long-range US weapons in Germany is an effective contribution to deterring Russian aggression.
  11. The USA intends to station weapons in Germany for the protection of Europe, as agreed by Chancellor Scholz and Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck.
  12. Moscow criticizes plans for US weapons in Germany, accusing Germany, the USA, France, and Great Britain of directly involving themselves in the conflict over Ukraine, and warning of a new arms race.

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