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Senate to EM: Berlin has won - can also Olympia

Besides the usual problems with German Railways, there were no major incidents during the European Football Championship in Germany. The DFB hopes that the Championship has given the impetus for improvements.

The EU (European Union) ended in Berlin.
The EU (European Union) ended in Berlin.

Tournament balance - Senate to EM: Berlin has won - can also Olympia

After the end of the UEFA European Football Championship in Germany, the Berlin Senate, UEFA, and DFB drew a positive conclusion and praised the organization. Berlin's Senator for Interior and Sports, Iris Spranger (SPD), brought up the topic of another Olympic bid shortly after on a Monday. UEFA Tournament Director Martin Kallen stated: "We are very satisfied with the result. There were fantastic fans, great organization, cities that really got involved." Everyone did an excellent job.

Kallen emphasized: "We at UEFA are always very satisfied when we can do something in Germany. (...) During the long-term planning beforehand, there were sometimes tough debates with the German authorities. 'There are always things that we see differently on both sides. But when you organize a major event in Germany, you're on the safe side.'

Spranger also saw mainly positive aspects of the EM: "We showed that we can provide security. (...) Berlin won." In total, there were one million people on the move during the EM.

At a complaint hotline, few people called in: "We had exactly 30 complaints throughout the entire period." She added: "We could also host the Olympics. (...) But we can only do that if it's a national bid and if the federal government makes that decision."

The interior ministers want to discuss the Wolfsgruß issue

Regarding the alleged Wolfsgruß of right-wing Turkish fans, Spranger said: "These are racist statements that have nothing to do with sports. The interior ministers want to understand how to deal with this in the future."

"But that can only be initiated by the Federal Interior Minister." The Interior Senator announced that after the EM, all Berlin police officers and firefighters who were regularly on duty would receive two days of special leave.

The Media Director of the German Football Association (DFB), Steffen Simon, admitted that there were problems with the German Railways (DB). He himself is a commuter with the train and travels every day. "It's not always fun, but ultimately it's unavoidable."

It was often very crowded during the EM. He himself had sat on the floor because his reservations were canceled. "But it was still fun, it was exceptional. I experienced it with Scots, English, Dutch people, and we made something out of these moments."

Simon calls for investments in the railway

It is known that the railway infrastructure is outdated and urgently needs investment, said Simon. The railway has neglected itself for too long. "And the EM is also a catalyst, forcing us to finally tackle this central infrastructure again, so that we can hopefully use it again one day as we want to."

Berlin's Police President Barbara Slowik spoke of a "masterpiece of all police areas" in her balance. The stadium, fan zones, and other areas were protected. The police also supported the entry into the fan zones and the Olympiastadion several times.

Serious incidents did not occur, only smaller events took place, such as an altercation with Polish fans at the fan zone with injured policemen. And a large car procession after a Turkey game and a fatal car accident in Neukölln, which may have been related to the football game.

  1. Iris Spranger, Berlin's Senator for Interior and Sports, expressed interest in another Olympic bid shortly after the UEFA European Football Championship.
  2. The UEFA Tournament Director, Martin Kallen, praised the organization of the EM, highlighting Germany as a reliable host for major events.
  3. Kallen mentioned that there were sometimes tough debates with the German authorities during the long-term planning, but overall, organizing the EM in Germany was a safe bet.
  4. Spranger acknowledged the positive aspects of the EM, including the demonstration of Germany's ability to provide security and secure victories.
  5. The complaint hotline during the EM received only 30 calls throughout its operation, indicating general satisfaction with the event's organization.
  6. Spranger suggested that Berlin could potentially host the Olympics, but only if it's a national bid and the federal government supports the decision.
  7. Steffen Simon, the Media Director of the DFB, acknowledged issues with German Railways during the EM but emphasized the unique experience and camaraderie it provided.
  8. Simon called for investments in the railway infrastructure, which is outdated and in need of major improvements, citing the EM as a catalyst for change.
  9. Berlin's Police President Barbara Slowik praised thepolice's performance during the EM, highlighting the protection of stadiums, fan zones, and other areas.
  10. Despite minor incidents like an altercation with Polish fans and a fatal car accident in Neukölln possibly related to the football game, the overall security situation during the EM was considered a success.

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