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Selenskyj: Targeted Russian attack on children's clinic

Horror reigns after the missile strike on a children's hospital in the Ukrainian capital Kiev. Selensky rejects Russian accusations of guilt.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyi calls the raid on a children's hospital in Kiev a targeted...
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyi calls the raid on a children's hospital in Kiev a targeted attack by the Russian military.

Missile attack on Kiev - Selenskyj: Targeted Russian attack on children's clinic

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy rejected Russian claims that a missile defense system, not a deliberate rocket strike, was responsible for the damage at a children's hospital in Kiev. "What cynicism the scoundrels in the Kreml are spreading, that it was allegedly the Ukrainian air defense and not a targeted rocket attack that killed and injured many people," Zelenskyy said at a press conference with Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk in Warsaw.

Zelenskyy thanked all those who had posted videos online showing that it was not just a part of a rocket but a direct rocket strike that killed and injured many people.

Previously, the Russian Defense Ministry had stated in a statement that a missile launched from the outskirts had caused the damage. Kiev is trying to extract further financial aid from Western allies in this way before the upcoming NATO summit in Washington on Tuesday.

During a massive Russian air raid, including on the capital Kiev, a children's hospital in the city of three million was heavily damaged. At least two civilians were killed. In Kiev alone, at least 15 people were killed and over 37 others were injured in the air raids. Nationwide, according to Zelenskyy, 27 people were killed and over 100 others were injured.

Ukraine has been defending itself against Russian invasion for over two years with Western help. Kiev is pressing for the provision of modern Western air defense systems from the allies due to regular Russian rocket and drone attacks.

  1. The international community, including leaders in Warsaw, expressed their concern over the missile attack on the children's hospital in Kiev, which was strongly condemned by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Selensky.
  2. The damage at the pediatric clinic in Kiev, caused by a deliberate missile attack, sparked calls for increased support from Western allies, who are considering the provision of advanced missile defense systems to Ukraine.
  3. In response to Russia's claims that the missile attack was a result of Ukraine's own defense system, Selensky emphasized that the Kremlin's actions towards Ukraine are filled with "cynicism and scoundrelism."
  4. During a meeting with Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk in Warsaw, Selensky thanked him for his unwavering support and called for collective action against the escalating conflicts between Russia and Ukraine.
  5. The missile attack on the children's hospital has underscored the urgency of providing Ukraine with the assistance it needs to protect its citizens, as the war between the two nations continues to claim innocent lives, especially children.
  6. The missile impact on the "Children's Hospital" in Kiev, which was recorded in several online videos, bears clear evidence of a direct rocket strike, further fueling controversy around the Kremlin's role in the escalating conflict in Ukraine.

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