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Selenskyj: Kiev needs electricity from the EU

Government prepares agreement

Selensky expects the Ukrainian air defense to be strengthened this month.
Selensky expects the Ukrainian air defense to be strengthened this month.

Selenskyj: Kiev needs electricity from the EU

In the face of constant Russian attacks on Ukraine's energy infrastructure, Kiev is preparing for electricity imports from the EU. According to a report by Prime Minister Denis Schmyhal on the current energy supply situation in the country, a decision on electricity imports is now necessary, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy stated in his evening video message.

"We are deciding now fully and completely for the agreed import volumes with the EU, and I am grateful to all our neighbors for this help," Zelenskyy said. "We are doing everything we can to increase imports, and this should be a European solution." His government is preparing the corresponding agreements.

Zelenskyy urged the Energy Ministry to inform the population daily about the status of work in the energy sector, existing deficits, and the measures of the country to address these deficits.

Russian military has been targeting Ukraine's energy infrastructure deliberately in the past months and destroying it. The goal of these attacks is also to undermine the resistance of the population.

Zelenskyy's government is working on finalizing the necessary agreements with the EU for imported electricity, given the damage to Ukraine's energy infrastructure. The decision to fully import the agreed volumes of electricity from the EU is a response to constant Russian attacks on Ukraine's energy infrastructure in Kiev. The President expressed gratitude towards EU neighbors for their assistance in addressing Ukraine's electricity needs.

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