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Selenskyj expects Russia at the second peace summit

Despite the limited results of the peace summit in Switzerland in June, Ukraine still intends to organize a second meeting this year. This time with Russian representatives.

Zelensky at a press conference in Kiev
Zelensky at a press conference in Kiev

Ukraine war - Selenskyj expects Russia at the second peace summit

Despite the rejection from the Kreml, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy reiterated his demand for Russia's participation in a second peace summit this year. "I believe that Russian representatives must be present at the second summit", Zelenskyy stated at a press conference in Kiev. He expects a detailed plan for implementing his previously proposed peace formula, which includes a complete withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukrainian territory, by November.

There will be a meeting at the ministerial or advisory level in Qatar at the end of July or the beginning of August for energy security, Zelenskyy added. Furthermore, there will be talks in Turkey in August on free shipping and food security. Additionally, at a third meeting in Canada in August, the exchange of prisoners and the return of children abducted by Russia should be discussed.

Ukraine has been repelling a Russian invasion since February 2022. Russia is demanding that Ukraine cede more than a fifth of its territory for peace from its neighbor. Ukraine is also expected to declare neutrality and renounce the NATO membership enshrined in its constitution since 2019. Representatives from over 100 states and organizations participated in a Peace Summit in Switzerland in June without Russian representatives. Three of the ten points of Zelenskyy's peace plan, including energy security, food security, and prisoner exchange, were discussed. Moscow dismissed the summit as absurd.

  1. Despite Moscow's dismissal of the Peace Summit in Switzerland as absurd, Volodymyr Zelenskyy continues to advocate for Russia's involvement in a second peace summit this year.
  2. The ongoing Ukraine War has led to numerous conflicts, with Russia demanding territorial concessions and Ukraine's neutrality, both of which are major points of discussion in diplomatic negotiations.
  3. The Kremlin's stance on the Ukraine War and the lack of Russian participation in the initial peace summit prompted Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to call for Russia's presence at the planned second peace summit.
  4. With tensions between Ukraine and Russia remaining high, diplomatic efforts to find a peaceful resolution continue, with talks scheduled in Qatar, Turkey, and Canada in the coming months.
  5. Volodymyr Zelenskyy believes that a detailed plan for implementing his peace formula, which includes the withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukrainian territory, is crucial for resolving the Ukraine War and establishing lasting peace.

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