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Selenskyj calls for Putin's personal defeat in the war.

Ukrainian president delivers moving address in Parliament, expressing gratitude for German assistance while outlining a specific target.

Ukrainian President Zelensky is in Berlin for the International Conference on the Reconstruction of...
Ukrainian President Zelensky is in Berlin for the International Conference on the Reconstruction of Ukraine.

Assembly in Germany's Parliament - Selenskyj calls for Putin's personal defeat in the war.

Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskyy urged his allies to work together to bring an end to the Russian invasion against Ukraine. Addressing the German parliament, he emphasized, "We cannot let Russia march through Europe again. We must ensure that Putin loses this war personally."

The German parliament welcomed Zelenskyy with a round of prolonged applause, as he entered the gathering with Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier. Present too were Federal Council President Manuela Schwesig (SPD) and Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) along with his cabinet. Exhibited before the speaker's podium were three large bouquets in Ukraine's national colors, blue and yellow.

Zelenskyy spoke of the need to conclusively end the war, manifesting the clear victor. Amidst his remarks, the parliamentary members continuously interrupted with applause. Towards the finale, they applauded the former for several minutes. Russia, he stressed, must take accountability for the onset of the war and pay for the damages.

Zelenskyy, in his address, acknowledged Germany's support for his nation. "Thank you, Germany," he declared. He specifically mentioned the supply of Patriot air defense systems, which, he claimed, protected the lives of thousands. The Ukrainian leader also looked back at his country's historical connections to Germany during the Cold War. Recalling its experiences, he implored, "Germany knows how a divided Europe is never peaceful and a divided Germany is never satisfied. That's why you, Ukrainians, can comprehend why we're battling Russia's attempts to divide us and Ukraine. We endeavor, in every possible way, to prevent a wall between parts of our country and prevent barbed wires from tearing through it for years."

The subject of a potential Ukrainian peace conference in Switzerland arose during the speech. "We wish to allow diplomacy its trial," Zelenskyy conveyed. "Ukraine has never depended solely on the power of its weapons."

Zelenskyy had previously spoken to the German parliament on March 17, 2022, approximately three weeks after the onset of the Russian invasion war on Ukraine. He spoke to the members via video, live at the time.

Bundestag President Bärbel Bas (SPD) articulated her solidarity with the president - "both in war and during rebuilding," she assured. "And I am convinced: The Russian war crimes will be punished. That is what Germany, Europe, and the democratic world owe to the people of Ukraine," asserted Bas.

Virtually all parliament members participated in the session: the AfD faction was notable in their absence, with the exception of four members. The BSW party had earlier announced their intention to abstain from the speech.

Read also:

  1. Olaf Scholz, the German chancellor, expressed his support for Ukraine's fight against Russia's war of aggression, echoing Zelenskyy's call for Putin's personal defeat.
  2. Volodymyr Selenskyy encouraged European countries to impose a boycott on Russian products as a means of applying pressure in the ongoing conflict.
  3. Due to the ongoing conflicts in Ukraine, the German Bundestag debated the possible implementation of additional economic sanctions against Russia.
  4. In the heart of Berlin, protests against Putin and Russia's actions in Ukraine gained momentum, with citizens calls for a boycott of Russian goods and cultural events.
  5. As Germany and its European allies continue to support Ukraine in its struggle against Russia, the Bundeswehr (BSW) announced plans to send additional military aid to Ukrainian forces.
  6. Amidst these conflicts, Selenskyy reaffirmed Ukraine's commitment to eventual peace negotiations with Russia, emphasizing the need for diplomacy as a means to resolve the conflict.
  7. European leaders met in Berlin to discuss the ongoing war in Ukraine, with Selenskyy pushing for unity among member nations in the face of Russian aggression.
  8. The Berlin parliament session saw applause for Selenskyy's speech, with members of the Social Democratic Party (SPD) expressing solidarity with Ukraine and voicing their support for continued sanctions against Russia.
  9. Vladimir Putin, the Russian president, faced international criticism for his role in the war, with calls for both economic and political boycotts against Russia growing louder within European nations.
  10. Frank-Walter Steinmeier, the German president, echoed Selenskyy's sentiments, expressing his belief that Germany and Europe must stand together to stop Putin from invading other countries and bring an end to the ongoing war in Ukraine.



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