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Selensky states that Putin is the lone figure opposing everyone else.

Addressing in the German Parliament

During his first speech to members of the Bundestag, Selenskyj was still connected via video. This...
During his first speech to members of the Bundestag, Selenskyj was still connected via video. This time he was there in person.

Selensky states that Putin is the lone figure opposing everyone else.

Following the commencement of the war, the Ukrainian president addressed the German parliament expressing dissatisfaction with the lack of support. However, the tone has since shifted. In a passionate speech, Zelenskyy established a firm objective: The conflict must come to an end, so there is no question regarding the winner.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the Ukrainian President, expressed gratitude to Germany for its support in resisting the Russian attackers and sought continued assistance. "It's crucial for both of us that Putin loses this war personally," he stated in a speech before the German parliament. Putin is "standing alone against us all," he continued. "That's why we have to compel Russia to change. Anything is possible, as there are no insurmountable barriers."

Zelenskyy highlighted that he does not solely rely on military force to achieve peace in his country. Prior to the peace conference in Switzerland over the weekend, he mentioned that around 100 countries had come together. Ukraine has always relied on the strength of diplomacy besides weapons, he added. Russia has been excluded from the conference, with China deciding to withdraw.

Even though Scholz remained hopeful after his meeting with Zelenskyy that progress could be made, he believed that a path could be discovered in which Russia may engage in the process of finding a resolution, with the intentual goal of eventually joining negotiations at the table.

Zelenskyy had previously spoken at the Bundestag in mid-March, just three weeks after the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Amidst a plea for more military assistance, he implored Scholz to take a leadership role in Germany. "Dear Chancellor Scholz, demolish this wall. Grant Germany the leadership that it deserves."

Since the beginning of the war, Germany has supplied tanks, air defense systems, and artillery, making it the second-largest supporter of Ukraine after the United States in terms of military and financial aid. Zelenskyy expressed his gratitude to Scholz particularly for the recently promised Patriot air defense systems, which he claimed could protect numerous lives. His requests for further weapons systems like Taurus missiles were absent during his third visit to Berlin.

When appearing in the German parliament, the Ukrainian president was met with extended applause from the deputies. Accompanied by Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier into the plenary hall, other officials such as Federal Council President Manuela Schwesig and Chancellor Olaf Scholz with his cabinet were also present for the session. Outside the speaker's podium, three large bouquets of blue and yellow flowers, symbolizing Ukraine's national colors, were on display where the parliamentary stenographers had been seated.

Zelenskyy insisted that the war must conclude to erase any uncertainty about who obtained victory. Russia must accept complete responsibility for initiating the war. "Russia must make amends for the destruction caused by this aggression," he claimed. The legislators stood up and applauded him for several minutes at the end.

"The most effective reconstruction is the one that never happens"

Deputies from the Left Party (Die Linke) and the Alternative for Germany (AfD) with the exception of four members avoided the speech. The faction leaders, Alice WeideI and Tino Chrupalla, stated, "We decline to listen to a deceptive speaker." The federal government should refrain from providing a platform for reconstruction requests. The Left Party argued, "President Zelensky is unfortunately currently facilitating a heated arms race, assuming the risk of devastating consequences for all of Europe."

Other political parties harshly criticized the Left Party and AfD. SPD deputy faction leader Dirk Wiese from the "Rheinische Post" exclaimed, "I've rarely encountered such disrespect." The purpose behind Zelenskyy's visit is the International Reconstruction Conference, attended by 2,000 participants from 60 countries, with Zelensky and Scholz co-hosting its opening. Both called for stronger air defense to counter Russian attacks.

Scholz urged allies to endorse a German initiative to enhance air defense. "There should be support for this endeavour with every measure feasible," he urged. Zelenskyy confirmed that at least seven more Patriot systems would be necessary to safeguard Ukrainian cities and regions. "Air defense is the answer to every problem," he added, citing the various types of Russian aerial weapons employed in their attacks.

Already, Germany has delivered two Patriot systems. Additional systems have been promised, and Ukrainian soldiers have been trained in their use. Italian Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani announced at the conference that Italy is prepared to provide a new military package which includes the Samp-T air defense system to Ukraine.

At the reconstruction conference, the focus was not on raising funds for rebuilding, but rather facilitating interactions between the key players in politics, business, civil society, and international organizations. The intention is to generate initiatives such as entrepreneurial development and vocational training.

Scholz promised Zelensky significant and extended state promises for Ukraine's reconstruction. He plans to lobby for this at the upcoming G7 summit in Italy, starting on Thursday. The World Bank anticipates a need for $500 billion (464 billion euros) in aid for rebuilding efforts over the next decade. Scholz also encouraged private firms to contribute through investments. "Given the magnitude we're discussing, private capital needs to be part of the process as well."

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