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Seehofer: "Almost everyone underestimated migration"

"Need a federal departure authority"

Horst Seehofer appeals to all democrats to work together on important issues. Then we would no...
Horst Seehofer appeals to all democrats to work together on important issues. Then we would no longer have to worry about the extremists.

Seehofer: "Almost everyone underestimated migration"

Former German Federal Interior Minister Seehofer advocates for testing asylum applications at Germany's or EU's external borders. He considers migration to be one of the most pressing issues. Indirectly, he calls for a limitation of immigration and a coalition between the Traffic Light and opposition.

The dimension of migration, according to the long-time CSU top politician Horst Seehofer, has been underestimated by most politicians in the past decade. This is not to be expected from the Traffic Light coalition, "but the population expects effective measures from the Union to prevent uncontrolled migration," he told the "Augsburger Allgemeinen." One consequence of this, in his view, are the poor election results of the Union. In addition to the rise of the AfD and FW, there are the voters who have moved from the Traffic Light to the AfD or now to the FW.

The former Federal Interior Minister advocated for a quick examination of asylum eligibility at the "external border of a country or the EU" and for a swift removal if the decision is negative. He aligned himself with a demand from Saxony's Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer for a Federal Immigration Office. "Those subject to deportation must be deported through a federal effort. The federal states cannot do this alone," he said.

Regarding the debate on how to deal with Ukrainian men seeking asylum in Germany, he demanded that they "be denied asylum status altogether." If they "do not want to participate in the war for conscience reasons, they can help rebuild their country."

"The numbers raise concerns"

Germany took in refugees from Ukraine after the attack on Ukraine, but many more came, "and in greater numbers than in previous years. In addition to 1.2 million Ukrainians, there were another 350,000 alone last year," said the former Bavarian Minister-President. These are numbers "that raise concerns. Housing, rents, schools, crime, integration - these questions cannot be answered satisfactorily to the population's contentment when new refugees continue to arrive." Therefore, "voters have moved from the Traffic Light to the Union or now to the FW." Seehofer has already demanded a limitation of immigration and set a limit during his time as Minister, which led to a bitter dispute with Chancellor Angela Merkel.

Looking at the numerous crises, Seehofer asks if there are really that many new challenges and refers to the Yugoslav Wars, Afghanistan, Iraq, migration, and the Euro crises in the past. For a solution, he advocates for cooperation among Democrats, "regardless of whether they govern or are in opposition. Then we won't have to worry about extremists at the federal election." So, the leaders of the Traffic Light should meet with those of the Union without prior notice and without cameras.

Seehofer turns 75 on Friday. He had retired from politics in 2021. At that time, he had been Federal Interior Minister under Chancellor Angela Merkel for four years. Before that, he was Bavarian Prime Minister from 2008 to 2018. From 1992 to 1998, he was Federal Health Minister in two cabinets of Helmut Kohl, and from 2005 to 2008, he was Agriculture Minister. In addition, he led the CSU from 2008 to 2019.

  1. Horst Seehofer, a long-time CSU top politician and former Federal Interior Minister, expressed concerns about the numbers of migrants from Ukraine, stating that they have exceeded expectations and raised questions about housing, education, crime, and integration.
  2. In response to the debate on Ukrainian men seeking asylum, Seehofer suggested denying them asylum status altogether and encouraging them to contribute to rebuilding their country if they refuse to participate in the war.
  3. Seehofer advocated for a coalition between the Traffic Light coalition and the opposition, suggesting that cooperation among Democrats could prevent the rise of extremist parties during federal elections.
  4. Addressing the attack on Ukraine and the subsequent influx of refugees, Seehofer, who had previously advocated for limiting immigration, emphasized the need for effective measures to prevent uncontrolled migration and improve election results for the Union.

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