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Seeberger food manufacturer with sales increase

Dried fruits and student food are favored. This benefits the family business Seeberger. The profits increased - but it should not stop there.

Seeberger, the well-known food supplier for students, is on a growth spree.
Seeberger, the well-known food supplier for students, is on a growth spree.

Student food - Seeberger food manufacturer with sales increase

The food manufacturer Seeberger increased its sales by 7 percent to approximately 314 million Euros in the past fiscal year. Considering the weak economic development, the company, which is well-known for student food and dried fruits, based in Ulm, can be satisfied with the business year's result. The Seeberger Group employs around 1000 people. A sales increase of 7 percent is aimed for in the current year, reaching approximately 335 million Euros.

The Seeberger Group sources various foods from local suppliers in Ulm, Baden-Württemberg. In response to the strong sales performance, a new Salesplus store dedicated to Seeberger products was opened in Ulm. The increase in sales has also attracted more food manufacturers to collaborate with Seeberger for distribution through Salesplus.

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