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Secret codes for Whatsapp - how to protect your chats from prying eyes from now on

Whatsapp has one more function. Mark Zuckerberg recently announced the possibility of adding a secret code to chats and removing them from the message overview.

Anyone who has to reckon with someone taking an unwanted look at WhatsApp conversations can
Anyone who has to reckon with someone taking an unwanted look at WhatsApp conversations can protect important chats in

Messenger - Secret codes for Whatsapp - how to protect your chats from prying eyes from now on

Meta boss Mark Zuckerberg has unveiled a new feature for Whatsapp that allows users to hide certain chats.

In his official announcement, which can be found via his Whatsapp channel(find out more here), he describes how users can create secret codes that work like separate passwords. Chats that are protected with these codes will only be visible when the secret code is entered in the Whatsapp search bar.

This new function is intended to supplement the chat lock already introduced in May, with which conversations can be moved to a separate folder and can only be accessed again once the device password or biometric data has been entered.

Zuckerberg writes about the new feature: "We're introducing the chat lock secret code on Whatsapp so you can protect your chats with a unique password. Now you can set your locked chats to only show up when you enter the secret code in the search bar, so no one can "unintentionally" discover your most private conversations."

Secret code for Whatsapp chat: this is how it works

In practice, it works like this: To block a new or existing chat, users simply have to tap and hold on the desired chat and select the option. Using the codes does not require any changes to the general chat settings. The secret codes will be introduced immediately and will be available worldwide in the coming months. Like many new Whatsapp features, it will take time for them to appear for all users.

Security at the touch of a button: If you press a chat for a long time, you can create a secret code - as soon as it is activated - and only find the conversation if you type the exact code into the search bar.

As the IT trade magazine"Heise" reports, Whatsapp explained that this new feature is particularly useful for people who occasionally share their cell phone with others and want to ensure that selected chats are hidden and only visible to them, even if the app has been generally unlocked.

More security for Whatsapp users - even for secret dates

Whatsapp also emphasizes that the codes are important for users in dangerous situations where additional protection is required. In this context, reference is made to a study that emphasizes the need to protect members of the LGBTQ+ community in countries where they are persecuted. In reality, it will probably also help those whose better half is all too curious - and there is indeed spicy material hidden in the chats.

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