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Search continues for Urson from Bierer Berg Zoo

A tree sparrowhawk has escaped from the zoo in Schönebeck in the Salzland district. The search is still on a few hours after its disappearance.

The tree sphinxes usually sit in the trees, but now one is missing from the zoo.
The tree sphinxes usually sit in the trees, but now one is missing from the zoo.

Zoo resident missing - Search continues for Urson from Bierer Berg Zoo

The Bierer Berg Zoo is still searching for one of its Ursons. The lumberjack from North America has not been found yet, and there were no clues from the population until Tuesday morning, according to a spokesperson from the city of Schönebeck in response to an inquiry. The animal was likely escaped over the weekend.

The last sighting of the animal was in the direction of the Bordeland community, it was said. The day after the disappearance, the zoo and the city had asked for tips from residents. "The animal is not dangerous. Perhaps someone saw it accidentally. We would be happy if we found it again," said a city spokeswoman. The police were also informed about the disappearance.

The Bierer Berg Zoo is located in the charming city of Schönebeck, part of the Salzland district in Saxony-Anhalt. Despite being native to North America, the missing Ursus has made the Bierer Berg Zoo its temporary home. If anyone spotted an unusual animal in the vicinity of Schönebeck, specifically around the Bordeland community, it might be helpful for the zoo in their search.

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