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Sea experts discover submerged private aircraft.

Disappearance occurring half a century ago.

The wreck had been searched for again and again. Now it has been photographed.
The wreck had been searched for again and again. Now it has been photographed.

Sea experts discover submerged private aircraft.

Recently, after a 50-year-long search, experts have claimed to have found the wreck of a private jet that went missing in Vermont, United States, back in 1971.

Underwater specialist Garry Kozak, who led the team, believes they've found the wreck in about 60 meters of water depth at Lake Champlain. "We're 99% sure it's the missing plane," Kozak stated.

This small aircraft disappeared on January 27, 1971, following a takeoff from the Burlington Airport (Vermont) on its way to Providence (Rhode Island). There were two crew members and three employees on board, including from a development company named Cousins Properties in Atlanta (Georgia). They were working on a development project in Burlington when they boarded the 10-seater plane.

The initial search for the aircraft four days after its disappearance didn't produce any results. The lake froze during the snowy night, making it impossible to continue the search until the ice melted in the spring of 1971. Fragments from the aircraft were found, but the actual wreck was never located.

In 2014, another search was conducted using modern technology, but once again, the wreck remained elusive. This is until Kozak and his newly formed team performed a search a month ago. With the aid of a remotely operated underwater vehicle, they finally found the wreck that matches both the special paint job and the spot in the lake where the tower last located the aircraft before it vanished.

The families of the victims are relieved and grateful for the discovery. Barbara Nikitas, niece of pilot George Nikita, revealed the mixed emotions they're experiencing: "It's a peaceful, but also a very sad feeling."

The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) is presently investigating if, in fact, this is the missing jet. However, it's unlikely the NTSB will recover the wreck. Now that the relatives are aware of the plane's location, they're planning a memorial service.

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