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Schweitzer sits at the desk of the State Chancellery for the first time

The Minister President tries out his new desk straight away. The long-standing minister and parliamentary group leader already knows the State Chancellery well.

In his new office, the Prime Minister immediately tries out the writing desk.
In his new office, the Prime Minister immediately tries out the writing desk.

New Prime Minister - Schweitzer sits at the desk of the State Chancellery for the first time

The new Rhineland-Palatinate Minister-President Alexander Schweitzer (SPD) took over the office of the Prime Minister after his election in the state parliament. After the official handover from his predecessor Malu Dreyer (SPD), Schweitzer sat at the desk in the Mainz State Chancellery for the first time. He feels good after much responsibility and hard work, said the 50-year-old. But he is ready for it.

Dreyer was very satisfied with the course of the office transfer and the election result for Schweitzer. She had to hand over the country to good hands, emphasized the long-standing Minister-President. The 63-year-old is retiring from politics after eleven years as Minister-President. Schweitzer, the successor, was elected in the first round of voting in the Landtag with more votes than the SPD parliamentarians of the traffic light coalition.

  1. Malu Dreyer, having served as the Minister-President of Rhineland-Palatinate for eleven years, is a veteran figure in German politics, hailing from the SPD.
  2. The SPD's selection for the new Prime Minister, Alexander Schweitzer, was elected with more votes than the coalition's SPD members in the Rhineland-Palatinate Parliament.
  3. As the new Prime Minister, Alexander Schweitzer, a native of Germany, will lead the government from his office in the State Chancellery located in Mainz.
  4. The SPD's Alexander Schweitzer will succeed Malu Dreyer, who has been praised for handing over her position with grace to her successor and entrusting the country to capable hands.
  5. The transition of power in Rhineland-Palatinate was marked by Alexander Schweitzer's authoritative acceptance of the position in the State Chancellery, signaling his readiness to take on the significant responsibilities of Government.

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