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Schulze: There is a lack of empathy in the migration debate

"It's about people"

"Cutting support for the poorest in the country leads to more despair," Schulze
"Cutting support for the poorest in the country leads to more despair," Schulze

Schulze: There is a lack of empathy in the migration debate

There has only been one topic in Germany in recent months: migration. And the discussion is often very one-sided, according to Federal Development Minister Schulze. She lacks empathy in the discussion. She also has a different opinion on asylum procedures than many federal politicians.

Federal Development Minister Svenja Schulze criticizes the way migration is discussed in Germany. "In the German debate, it sometimes bothers me that there is a lack of empathy. It's not about masses and streams, it's about people who fear for their lives and are fleeing war," Schulze told Der Spiegel. "We must show solidarity with people whose lives are in danger."

The SPD politician rejects the idea of cutting development funds for countries that do not take back refugees fleeing to Germany. "Cutting off support for the poorest people in the country will not lead to less migration, but to more desperation, instability and crises," said Schulze. We cannot "educate the countries according to our wishes" by means of such punitive measures. This is a question of respect for sovereign states.

Schulze agrees with Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz that people who do not have the right to stay must leave. "At the same time, we must remain open to people who come to us legally and continue to show solidarity with refugees," warned the minister.

Schulze is critical of the question of whether asylum procedures should be outsourced to countries outside the EU. "I can only recommend that this debate should not take place without the countries concerned." In addition to "all the other questions of international law and ethics", the decisive question is which country would be prepared to do this at all.


