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Scholz suffers losses, SPD experiences gains.

RTL/ntv trend indicator

In a direct election, Olaf Scholz would receive 31 percent - but only if no Green or Green Party...
In a direct election, Olaf Scholz would receive 31 percent - but only if no Green or Green Party candidate stood for election.

Scholz suffers losses, SPD experiences gains.

One week before the European election, the political mood in Germany remains largely unchanged. In the race for chancellor, Olaf Scholz suffers a two-point loss but still widens the gap over Friedrich Merz.

In the Barometer of Trends, the SPD stands at a respectable 16% in May. With only a week left until the European election, SPD has gained one point in a Forsa survey. Simultaneously, other parties have lost one point - including the Left and Free Voters, both under 3%. The figures for all other parties remain unchanged compared to the previous week.

If the Bundestag were to be elected at this point, these would be the anticipated results: CDU/CSU with 30% (federal election in September 2021: 24.1%), SPD with 17% (25.7%), AfD with 15% (10.3%), Greens with 13% (14.8%), FDP with 6% (11.5%), and BSW with 6% (0%). The combined share of the other parties is 13%.

The percentage of undecided or non-voters is at 22%, down only slightly from the 23.4% of the previous federal election.

If the federal chancellor were directly elected, Scholz would still be ahead of Merz. While the SPD lags significantly behind the Union in the traditional polling, 31% of Germans would choose Scholz for the chancellorship and 28% would choose CDU chair Merz. Each candidate has lost two points, allowing Scholz to expand his lead even as his approval drops.

Scholz's popularity among SPD supporters is greater than Merz's among CDU and CSU, with 75% of SPD supporters approving of Scholz compared to 64% of Union supporters endorsing Merz.

Forty-one percent of Germans would never consider voting for either Scholz or Merz for chancellor.

Unwaveringly, 18% of Germans trust the CDU/CSU to tackle the problems in Germany the most. Ten percent, an increase of one point from the prior week, express this trust in the SPD. Additionally, 7% trust the Greens, with 5% supporting the AfD, 2% the FDP, and 4% other parties. Almost half (54%) of Germans distrust any political group for competency.

The data provided by the market and opinion research institute Forsa for the RTL/ntv Trend Barometer in cooperation with RTL Germany was compiled between May 28 and June 3. The sample consisted of 2,506 participants. The statistical margin of error is plus/minus 2.5 percentage points.

For additional information about Forsa, view their website. [Forsa conducts surveys for RTL Germany.]

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