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Scholz: Strengthening aid to Ukraine is good and right

The NATO summit in Washington is also about defining the future course of support for Ukraine. The Chancellor emphasizes that Putin cannot play for time.

For Chancellor Scholz, Ukraine must continue to receive financial and military support.
For Chancellor Scholz, Ukraine must continue to receive financial and military support.

Ukraine war - Scholz: Strengthening aid to Ukraine is good and right

Before the NATO summit, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) reaffirmed Germany's long-term support for Ukraine against the Russian aggression war once more. "It's good that we have reiterated this in the last few days with a clear message: We will support Ukraine as long as it is necessary," Scholz said in Berlin before his departure for the meeting in Washington.

He referred to weapons deliveries and the joint initiative of the major industrial nations. The G7 countries had agreed at their summit in Italy to finance a credit package worth approximately 50 billion US dollars (about 47 billion Euros) using frozen Russian state assets and interest.

Scholz stated this was a clear sign of solidarity, but also a message to Russian President Vladimir Putin. Putin cannot rely on the fact that "he can essentially wait this war out and hopes that support for Ukraine will wane."

  1. At the upcoming NATO summit, Chancellor Scholz emphasized Germany's commitment to reinforce Ukraine's defense against the ongoing war of aggression from Russia.
  2. This stance was echoed by other leaders attending the NATO summit in Washington, signaling a united front against any acts of aggression.
  3. The SPD leader further highlighted Germany's role in the joint initiative with major industrial nations, providing financial aid to Ukraine worth billions of dollars.
  4. Olaf Scholz's words at the Berlin press conference before departing for the NATO summit were a clear reinforcement of Germany's commitment to support Ukraine even beyond the current conflict.
  5. The German Defense Ministry has been working closely with NATO allies to ensure a strong and united response to the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, reflecting Scholz's emphasis on collective defense.
  6. The NATO summit is expected to result in a strengthened commitment to Ukraine's sovereignty, further reinforcing Germany's role as a key player in the defense of democratic countries against acts of aggression.

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