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Scholz rejects unlimited weapons use against Russia

For the protection of Charkiw, the Western allies of Ukraine have allowed them to use their weapons against Russian territory. This should remain the case, according to Chancellor Scholz.

Chancellor Scholz will not relax the conditions for the use of western weapons against Russia...
Chancellor Scholz will not relax the conditions for the use of western weapons against Russia further.

Ukraine at NATO summit - Scholz rejects unlimited weapons use against Russia

Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) rejected the demand of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to lift all restrictions on the use of Western weapons against Russian territory. "Nobody intends to change the previous guidelines and regulations - for good reasons", Scholz said at the end of the NATO summit in Washington. "It is still our task to ensure that we support Ukraine as much as possible, but prevent the war from escalating into a war between Russia and NATO. And that requires wisdom, clarity, and firmness."

The key allies of Ukraine, including Germany, had allowed Ukraine to attack military positions on Russian territory in a limited area at the end of May to prevent Russian attacks on the city of Kharkiv near the Russian border.

At the NATO summit, Zelenskyy had demanded that all restrictions be lifted. "If we want to win and save our land, then all these restrictions must be lifted", he said. This primarily concerned military bases in the Russian hinterland from which rocket attacks like the one on Monday on the capital Kiev originated. "If they attack us and kill our children, it's crazy to ask why we can't attack this military base", Zelenskyy said.

  1. Despite the demands from Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz, representing Germany at the NATO summit, reiterated the commitment to maintaining existing guidelines and regulations regarding the use of Western weapons against Russian territory.
  2. The conflict between Ukraine and Russia continues to pose a significant challenge, with Washington closely monitoring the situation and expressing concern over potential escalations.
  3. The SPD leader Scholz emphasized the importance of providing support to Ukraine while avoiding a broader war involving NATO and Russia, a position that aligns with Germany's long-standing policy of pursuing peace and diplomacy.
  4. Volodymyr Zelenskyy's appeal for lifting all restrictions on the use of Western weapons during the NATO summit underscored the urgency with which Ukraine seeks to defend its territory from Russian aggression.
  5. At the heart of the dispute are military bases in the Russian hinterland, from which attacks on Ukrainian cities, such as the recent strike on Kiev, have originated.
  6. As the United States of America and its NATO allies weigh their response to the ongoing conflict, they will need to consider the potential consequences of lifting restrictions on Ukraine's military actions, as suggested by Zelenskyy during the NATO summit in Washington.

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