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Scholz personally quite heavy with Macron

sometimes private meetings

Scholz and Macron are not politically always of the same opinion.
Scholz and Macron are not politically always of the same opinion.

Scholz personally quite heavy with Macron

Not everyone would spontaneously describe the German Chancellor and the French President as good friends. Surprisingly, Scholz made a statement about his relationship with his colleague.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz reportedly gets along well with French President Emmanuel Macron, politically and personally, according to his own statements. "Emmanuel Macron and I work very well together and are also quite close, if I may say so," said the SPD politician in an interview with the "Saarbrucken Newspaper". He also meets Macron and his wife privately on occasion.

When asked about different positions - for example, on the question of arms deliveries to Ukraine - Scholz said: "Of course, it happens that we look at things differently, which we have to regulate together." This is nothing new in German-French relations, as the two countries, despite all their similarities, are different from each other. "What's important is that we find common answers," emphasized the Chancellor.

With regard to the Russian attack war in Ukraine, Scholz and Macron have repeatedly taken different public positions. Macron was the first head of state of a leading NATO country to openly advocate for the use of Western weapons against Russian military positions. Scholz initially showed reluctance, but later made a U-turn.

Moreover, Macron brought up the possibility of sending ground troops to Ukraine in February. Later, he clarified that this did not mean sending combat units. Scholz, however, rejected such a step and repeatedly emphasized that Germany should not become a war party.

Despite potential differences in political stances, such as on arms deliveries to Ukraine, Olaf Scholz and French President Emmanuel Macron continue to collaborate effectively in Politics. In fact, Scholz mentioned a personal bond with Macron, stating, "Emmanuel Macron and I work very well together and are also quite close."

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