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Scholz on US rockets: It's about preventing war

Is Germany a target for Russian attacks due to the stationing of US long-range rockets? Chancellor Scholz means the opposite is true.

Scholz will prevent an escalation with Russia by stationing US missiles in Germany - not promote...
Scholz will prevent an escalation with Russia by stationing US missiles in Germany - not promote it.

Deployment of US weapons - Scholz on US rockets: It's about preventing war

Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) dismissed concerns that the planned stationing of extensive US rackets in Germany could lead to an escalation with Russia. The weapons with a reach of up to 2500 kilometers are for deterrence and should prevent attacks from a "safe rear" from the outset, said the SPD politician after a meeting with Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida in Berlin. "What we're always about is preventing war."

The Chancellor reiterated that Germany would steer its arms deliveries to Ukraine in such a way that they would not lead to a direct confrontation with Russia. "Just as clear is that we will make decisions here with the focus on the security of our country and the alliance, and that means being sufficiently strong," said Scholz. "That includes air defense and the ability to deter."

At the NATO summit in Washington on Wednesday, it became known that from 2026, the USA plans to station weapons systems in Germany again that reach far into Russia. Among them should be Tomahawk missiles with a reach of up to 2500 kilometers, as well as SM-6 air defense missiles and newly developed hypersonic weapons.

Russia reacted sharply to the announcement. Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov spoke of a "link in the escalation chain" of NATO and the USA against Russia. Kremlin spokesman Dmitri Peskov said: "We are on the way to a Cold War. All this has happened before." He accused Germany, the USA, France, and Great Britain of directly intervening in the conflict over Ukraine.

Wednesday, 21st September 2022

Translation by a smart translator

  1. Fumio Kishida expressed his concerns about the potential escalation of conflicts due to the deployment of US weapons in Germany during his meeting with Olaf Scholz in Berlin.
  2. Despite the planned deployment of US Tomahawk missiles, SM-6 air defense missiles, and hypersonic weapons in Germany, Scholz emphasized Germany's commitment to preventing a direct confrontation with Russia.
  3. Olaf Scholz, the SPD politician, affirmed that Germany will focus on its country's security and the alliance when making decisions regarding the delivery of weapons to Ukraine, with an emphasis on air defense and deterrence capabilities.
  4. The announcement of the US plan to station weapons in Germany, including Tomahawk missiles and SM-6 air defense missiles, was met with sharp criticism from Russia, which accused the United States, Germany, France, and Britain of directly intervening in the Ukraine conflict.
  5. Russia's Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov depicted the US plan as a "link in the escalation chain" against Russia, while Kremlin spokesman Dmitri Peskov stated that the world was heading towards another Cold War.
  6. Fumio Kishida, the Japanese Prime Minister, also voiced his concerns about the potential impact of the US weapon deployment on regional stability in his meeting with Olaf Scholz, expressing the need for a diplomatic resolution to the ongoing conflicts in Ukraine and beyond.

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