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Scholz on the budget agreement: Debt brake remains - climate-damaging subsidies will be reduced

After a long struggle, the traffic light coalition has agreed on a federal budget for 2024. What exactly the solution will look like is still unclear. Follow the statements by Chancellor Scholz, Vice-Chancellor Habeck and Finance Minister Lindner in the live blog here.

Breakthrough in the traffic light dispute - Scholz on the budget agreement: Debt brake remains - climate-damaging subsidies will be reduced

After days of negotiations, the leaders of the traffic light coalition have reached an agreement on the federal budget for 2024. The first details are to be announced on Wednesday afternoon. A coalition committee is also planned for the afternoon. Almost four weeks after the ruling by the Federal Constitutional Court, a solution to the budget crisis, which has put the coalition government under considerable pressure, has thus been found. Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD), Vice-Chancellor Robert Habeck (Greens) and Finance Minister Christian Lindner (FDP) have since been discussing how to plug a 17 billion euro hole in the budget for the coming year.

Initially, it was not known what solution the leaders of the coalition government agreed on. Among other things, the suspension of the debt brake for 2024 was discussed. The press statement by Scholz, Habeck and Lindner, which is planned for 12 noon, is therefore eagerly awaited.

Follow the statements by the leaders of the traffic light coalition here in the live blog.

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The coalition committee, led by Christian Lindner, Robert Habeck, and Olaf Scholz, is set to meet in the afternoon to discuss the details of the budget agreement. The agreement includes the reduction of climate-damaging subsidies and the maintenance of the debt brake. During the negotiations, the leaders aimed to fill a 17 billion euro hole in the 2024 budget.


