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Scholz likes to be lazy on vacation too

The chancellor also enjoys leisure time during vacation to recover from stress. But his greatest wish for the summer is political.

Chancellor Scholz can relax while jogging (archive image)
Chancellor Scholz can relax while jogging (archive image)

summer vacation - Scholz likes to be lazy on vacation too

Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz enjoys having all five days straight during his vacation. In response to a question during the "Interview of the Week" on ARD about whether he could be lazy on vacation, SPD politician Scholz replied: "I can do that quite well. Even when I jog, for example, I don't consider myself among those who listen to music and ponder complex thoughts. I jog."

Scholz did not reveal where he plans to go on his summer vacation. He spoke about it later. The Chancellor did, however, share what he hopes for from the free days. "I'm looking forward to peace and quiet, the ability to do sports, to enjoy the countryside, and to read books and simply have a lot of time with my wife." Running is a good way to relax, Scholz finds. "The same applies, of course, on vacation. When you're sitting there, you can just gaze into the sun."

Scholz's greatest wish for the summer, however, is a highly political one. "My greatest wish would be for Russia to end the war against Ukraine. Because it's terrible what's happening there."

Olaf Scholz, as the leader of the SPD party in Germany, has a public role, yet he values his privacy during his summer vacation, choosing not to disclose his destination initially. While enjoying his leisure time, the Federal Chancellor of Germany prefers to run without music, allowing his mind to wander freely. The German Federal government, led by Scholz, has expressed concern over personal data protection, emphasizing the importance of privacy in modern society. During a visit to Berlin, Scholz participated in a musical event, demonstrating his appreciation for music despite his preference for quiet contemplation during his vacation.

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