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Scholz holds out the prospect of further aid for Ukraine

At the start of the summit in Washington, NATO promised Ukraine more air defense systems. But that may not be all. The demand is not covered.

Chancellor Scholz holds out the prospect of further assistance to Ukraine in defending against air...
Chancellor Scholz holds out the prospect of further assistance to Ukraine in defending against air strikes.

NATO summit - Scholz holds out the prospect of further aid for Ukraine

Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) described the previous support of Ukraine with air defense systems as "a big step." At the same time, he held out the prospect of additional systems to the country under attack from Russia on the sidelines of the NATO summit in Washington. "In my opinion, this process is not yet completed," Scholz said before a meeting with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

The USA, Germany, and other allies promised the Ukraine five systems for air defense against Russian air attacks at the beginning of the NATO summit on Tuesday. The Ukraine had already demanded seven additional systems in April, so the need has not yet been met.

Chancellor sees central role for Germany in air defense

Germany has already delivered three Patriot systems and has set the expectation that other NATO countries will follow. "Germany has taken a big step in encouraging others and convincing them that it is necessary," Scholz said. It can be said for certain: "Without Germany's lead, this step would not be happening now."

Scholz sees NATO's Ukraine aid as a "sign of solidarity"

Scholz also emphasized that he considers the NATO accession perspective for Ukraine, which is to be recorded in a joint declaration of the 32 member states, to be sufficient. He is confident that "this will also provide sufficient clarity for Ukraine, which they must be able to rely on," he said. "And that's why I believe it will be a great success and a sign of solidarity." In the still undecided NATO declaration, the accession process for Ukraine is to be described as "irreversible."

  1. The SPD, led by Olaf Scholz, viewed the previous provision of air defense systems to Ukraine as a significant stride.
  2. At the NATO summit in Washington, discussions surrounding additional air defense systems for Ukraine emerged, with Germany considered a potential provider.
  3. During the summit, both Germany and the USA pledged support for Ukraine's defense, offering five air defense systems in total.
  4. The German Chancellor, Scholz, highlighted the importance of Germany in this matter, stating that without its lead, this action wouldn't have taken place.
  5. Scholz deemed NATO's assistance to Ukraine as a symbol of unity, considering the proposed declaration's recognition of Ukraine's irreversible accession process as sufficient.
  6. In light of the ongoing conflicts with Russia, the necessity of a strong international military presence, including NATO, became increasingly evident at the summit.
  7. Volodymyr Selensky, the Ukrainian President, applauded the collective efforts to bolster Ukraine's defenses, including the potential deployment of additional air defense systems.
  8. Following the NATO summit, the USA proposed collaborating with Germany on the development of a more robust air defense system for Ukraine, aiming to further deter potential threats from Russia.

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