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Scholz gives "guarantee" that Germany will not become a party to the war

"This is what I stand for as chancellor"

Chancellor Scholz in the government questioning in the German Bundestag.
Chancellor Scholz in the government questioning in the German Bundestag.

Scholz gives "guarantee" that Germany will not become a party to the war

In the Bundestag, Olaf Scholz is asked if he can guarantee that Germany will not become a war party in Ukraine. He gives the guarantee. At the same time, he emphasizes that Germany will not support any ceasefire that aims for Ukraine's capitulation.

Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz gave a "guarantee" that Germany will not become a war party in Russia's attack on Ukraine. In response to a corresponding question from Left parliamentarian Gesine Lötzsch during the government questioning in the Bundestag, Scholz said: "Yes, I give this guarantee. I stand for this as Chancellor."

Lötzsch also asked Scholz when a ceasefire could be achieved and what the German government would do for it. Scholz said, "we are diplomatically engaged to create peace opportunities." He referred to the latest Ukraine summit in Switzerland.

At the same time, Scholz emphasized that "a ceasefire that aims for Ukraine's capitulation" could not be supported by Germany. This was not an abstract question, as "one can see in this strange 'peace offer' from Mr. Putin." He had said he was ready for a ceasefire "if Ukraine also gives away more annexations, so to speak, for free on top." This showed "how cynically they think there and that the Russian president does not at all intend to end his aggressive war." Putin speaks only of peace negotiations to continue the war. "We will not tolerate that."

Kremlin spokesman Dmitri Peskov had recently explained that any proposal to resolve the conflict must reflect reality on the ground, then Putin would also be open for negotiations. The same formulation had already been used by Putin. Russia claims all five illegally annexed regions of Ukraine for itself, including the already illegally annexed Crimea. The four most recently annexed regions, Russia currently does not fully control militarily: Effectively, Russia is demanding territory that goes beyond the current occupations.

  1. Despite the Russian attack on Ukraine, Chancellor Olaf Scholz stresses that Germany will not support any ceasefire agreements aimed at Ukraine's capitulation, as evidenced by Vladimir Putin's controversial peace offers.
  2. During the questioning in the German Bundestag, Olaf Scholz reiterated that Germany will not become a war party in the conflict, providing a guarantee that aligns with the political stance of the German government.
  3. Olaf Scholz, in response to queries about potential ceasefire negotiations, has stated that Germany is actively engaged in diplomatic efforts to create peace opportunities, emphasizing the need for a fair resolution that respects Ukraine's sovereignty.

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