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Scholz currently maintains ambiguity regarding Merz's proposal at the moment.

Initially, Scholz remained vague in addressing Merz's suggestions.
Initially, Scholz remained vague in addressing Merz's suggestions.

Scholz currently maintains ambiguity regarding Merz's proposal at the moment.

Leader of the CDU Merz Proposes Aid to Chancellor Scholz in Reducing Immigration, Potentially Risking Coalition Dissolution. Chancellor Scholz Replies Cautiously and Cryptically at a Political Rally.

Chancellor Olaf Scholz welcomed the overture for collaboration from CDU leader Friedrich Merz in response to the occurrence in Solingen. "Simply because something's been addressed, we can't afford to be complacent," Scholz stated at an SPD campaign gathering in Jena. "It's logical, then, that the opposition leader in the German Parliament also proposes cooperation in curbing unlawful immigration." Scholz had engaged with Merz that morning, a meeting that had been planned ahead. "Suggestions for action" would be welcome, Scholz added. "It's wise for the government and the opposition to collaborate." It's crucial that this sentiment exists.

Devoid of addressing particular Union requests, Scholz further noted: "It's equally important that we implement this in accordance with the principles that underpin democracy and shape our nation collectively." As such, international agreements, EU guidelines, and the Basic Law will still apply, he said, alluding to Merz's demand to bar Afghans and Syrians from entering Germany at its borders. Scholz did not address Merz's call for the passing of stricter laws jointly with the Union, even if the alliance partners, the Greens and the FDP, oppose them.

Scholz refuted allegations that the traffic light administration has yet to act. The measures are already underway, as the figures for unlawful immigration are declining, and the figures for deportations are increasing. For illustration, the detention period for persons in deportation has been extended, and it has been ensured that the police can search for deportees in all asylum quarters.

Scholz confirmed that deportations of criminals to Syria and Afghanistan will occur. "Trust me on this: We are working tirelessly to ensure that we can also carry out this intent," he said. "This is something the whole administration has pledged to, and it is my wish as Federal Chancellor." Nevertheless, there are reservations, like those in the Foreign Ministry.

Migrants seeking asylum in Germany are still subject to international agreements, EU guidelines, and the Basic Law, as Chancellor Scholz emphasized, despite calls for stricter immigration policies from opposition leader Friedrich Merz. The CDU leader proposed collaboration with Scholz to reduce unlawful immigration, which could potentially risk the coalition's dissolution.

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