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Scholz assures Bundeswehr more money for years to come

"Permanent change of course necessary"

Chancellor Scholz rejects a return to compulsory military service at the Bundeswehr
Chancellor Scholz rejects a return to compulsory military service at the Bundeswehr

Scholz assures Bundeswehr more money for years to come

Germany has been behind the NATO funding target for years. However, Chancellor Scholz wants to create an adjustment path and increase funding for the Bundeswehr into the next decade. At the same time, he dismissed concerns that Berlin could withdraw from European armaments projects.

Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz has committed to the joint armaments projects with France and a long-term increase in German defense spending. The so-called European Sky Shield Initiative for European air defense launched by Germany is a central element for the security of Germany and Europe, he said in Berlin at a Bundeswehr conference. This initiative could be the starting point for even closer armaments cooperation in the EU. "With this in mind, we have made progress with the FCAS fighter aircraft project with France and Spain and will now also rapidly advance the MGCS main battle tank project under German leadership with France." Scholz thus countered media reports that Germany could pull out of the projects. France has so far reacted very reservedly to the European Sky Shield Initiative.

The Chancellor also announced that Germany would increase its defense spending to two percent of its economic output "even in the 30s". "This commitment is valid. It is due to a new security policy reality. That is why we are working on an adjustment path for the defense budget that ensures this even after the special fund has been spent." This would not be easy, said the former finance minister, referring to the significant increase in the defense budget required for this. But there have already been bigger tasks in the budget. "We will definitely solve it in such a way that the Bundeswehr receives the funds it needs - even after the special fund expires," he emphasized. "There is absolutely no question that the turning point that Russia's war of aggression represents requires a long-term, permanent change of course."

"Ukraine war will last a long time"

The background to this is that the 100 billion euro special credit line for Bundeswehr procurement projects will expire in the coming years and the two percent target will then have to be achieved in the normal defense budget. Scholz said that 50 procurement plans for armaments projects would probably go through the Bundestag Budget Committee by the end of the year. Two thirds of the special funds would then be contractually bound.

Following Russia's attack on Ukraine, a long-term change of direction in defense policy was necessary, he added. This would require long-term procurement contracts for industry. This is necessary because there are no signs of Russia ending its war of aggression against Ukraine and withdrawing troops. "We have to be prepared for the war to last a very long time," said Scholz. It is important to develop the ability to hold out and to protect our own infrastructure against attacks.

At the same time, in view of the debate on the European security architecture, Scholz emphasized that the EU could only make a "small contribution" for him. "Our defense alliance is NATO," emphasized the SPD politician. He also spoke out against a return to compulsory military service. He was "surprised" by the suspension of compulsory military service. But in the meantime, the Bundeswehr has been completely geared towards a professional army. It would not make sense to "reverse" the new structures now.


