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Scholz and Habeck: US rearmament in Germany necessary

Is a new arms race between NATO and Russia looming? In response to NATO's intent to station forces in Germany, Moscow plans to revise its Atom Doctrine.

One for all, all for one: That is the message intended from the NATO summit.
One for all, all for one: That is the message intended from the NATO summit.

NATO Summit - Scholz and Habeck: US rearmament in Germany necessary

The USA intend to reinforce themselves in Germany to protect Europe. Chancellor Olaf Scholz and his Vice Robert Habeck see it as necessary. "We know that there has been an incredible buildup in Russia, with weapons that threaten European territory", said Scholz at the NATO summit to mark its 75th anniversary in Washington. Habeck said the Russian buildup threatened "obviously also the NATO eastern flank". "Russia is therefore not a peace partner at the moment", Habeck told the "Neue Westfälische" (Friday edition).

Russia and China are criticizing this harshly and showing unity. Russia's Foreign Ministry threatened a military response. China rejected the allegation that Russian President Vladimir Putin was being supported by the alliance in his aggression against Ukraine. The declaration of the NATO jubilee summit towards China was full of war rhetoric, slander, and provocations.

The leadership in Moscow also had sharp words for the political and military decisions of the heads of the alliance regarding Ukraine. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy was promised support, which is intended to eventually lead to a NATO membership. Representatives from Indo-Pacific countries also participated in the consultations.

Scholz: The US decision fits into our strategy

Scholz said they had long discussed how to react to Russia's buildup with conventional deterrence in addition to the nuclear protection shield of NATO. The deployment of long-range weapons has been planned since last year in the first National Security Strategy of the Federal Republic. "Therefore, the US decision fits exactly into this strategy, which we have been publicly discussing for a long time."

The USA plans to station weapons systems in Germany for the first time since the Cold War that can reach as far as Russia. The White House and the German government announced this on Wednesday.

Moscow is about 1600 kilometers away from Berlin by air. From 2026 onwards, Tomahawk missiles with a range of up to 2500 kilometers, SM-6 missile defense systems, and newly developed supersonic weapons are intended to provide better protection for NATO allies in Europe.

The decision brings back memories of the Cold War. Scholz himself had protested against the NATO Double Track Decision in the early 80s as a young Social Democrat, which included the deployment of intermediate-range missiles such as the Pershing II, which were withdrawn after the end of the Cold War in 1991.

Habeck: Buildup is not something I take lightly

Habeck said buildup was not something he took lightly. "But I consider the US decision to station long-range weapons with us to be necessary", Habeck told the "Neue Westfälische".

He emphasized: "We must increase our readiness, because we live in a very threatening time, which is different from the 80s. Naivety is therefore not allowed." During the demonstrations against the NATO Double Track Decisions in 1981, the Cold War was in full swing. "Now we are experiencing a hot war in Ukraine because shooting and dying is happening there", said the Vice Chancellor.

A lot of money for Ukraine for weapons - path to membership irreversible

In the summit declaration, Ukraine is promised that it will receive military aid worth at least 40 billion Euros in the next year as well. This is approximately the same amount that was mobilized in the previous year. Regarding the NATO membership perspective issue, there is a compromise. The alliance assures Ukraine that it will not be stopped on its way into the alliance.

Moscow: NATO Plans "Link in the Escalation Chain"

Regarding the planned stationing of weapons systems in Germany, there were clear words in Moscow. Russian security would be affected by US weapons, according to Vice Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov, as reported by the state news agency Tass. This is "a link in the escalation chain" of NATO and the USA against Russia. "We will, without nerves or emotions, prepare a primarily military response to this."

Russia is revising its nuclear doctrine

The NATO decisions regarding Ukraine were called a threat to its own security by the Kremlin. The decision to admit Ukraine into the alliance sooner or later demonstrates the main goal of the alliance: containing Russia, said Kreml spokesman Dmitri Peskov and mentioned the Russian nuclear doctrine once again. He confirmed that changes were being made. The previous guiding principle states that Russia can only use nuclear weapons in response to a nuclear attack or an existential threat to the country in the event of a conventional attack.

China calls NATO criticism completely unjustified

Sharp criticism came from China regarding the NATO summit declaration. It exaggerates the situation in the Indo-Pacific region and is full of war rhetoric, slander, and provocations against China, said Foreign Ministry spokesman Lin Jian in Beijing.

Orban and Trump to meet in Florida?

Obstacles for the alliance were caused by alleged plans of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban to visit former President Donald Trump in Florida after the summit. No official confirmation of corresponding media reports was available. It was reported that the meeting would take place at Trump's residence Mar-a-Lago. Trump is expected to return to the White House for the Republicans after the US election in November. The election campaign against US President Joe Biden is in its heated phase.

US election campaign at the summit: How will Joe Biden fare in the end?

Joe Biden was under constant observation at the NATO summit after doubts about his mental and physical fitness arose following a TV duel against Trump at the end of June. The first two days went smoothly for Biden as the host. The biggest criticisms he usually gives himself are when he reads from the teleprompter. Challenging for the 81-year-old will be the real test: At the end of the NATO summit, he is scheduled to give a press conference.

  1. The United States of America plans to station weapons systems in Germany for the first time since the Cold War, as announced by both the White House and the German government.
  2. The White House and German Defense Minister Olaf Scholz emphasized the importance of this decision in protecting Europe and deterring potential threats from Russia.
  3. This decision follows Chancellor Scholz's statement at the NATO summit in Washington, where he acknowledged the Russian buildup of weapons threatening European territory.
  4. The Russian Foreign Ministry responded by threatening a military response, while China denied supporting Russian President Vladimir Putin's aggression against Ukraine.
  5. German Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck, concurring with Scholz, saw the US decision as necessary given the high-threat environment and the need for increased readiness.
  6. The plans include deploying Tomahawk missiles, SM-6 missile defense systems, and newly developed supersonic weapons, all with ranges capable of reaching Russia from Germany.
  7. This move is reminiscent of the Cold War, where Germany saw the deployment of intermediate-range missiles such as the Pershing II, although these were later withdrawn after the end of the Cold War.
  8. The Russian Foreign Ministry identified this as a "link in the escalation chain" of NATO and the USA against Russia, while Russian security would allegedly be affected by these weapons.
  9. In response, the NATO summit in Washington promised Ukraine military aid worth at least 40 billion Euros in the next year, with the alliance assuring Ukraine it will not be stopped on its way into the alliance.
  10. Russian Kremlin spokesman Dmitri Peskov criticized the NATO decisions regarding Ukraine, calling it a threat to Russia's own security and an indicator of the alliance's goal of containing Russia.
  11. Sharp criticism from China was also raised, namely that the NATO summit declaration exaggerated and contained war rhetoric against China, slander, and provocations.
  12. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban's alleged plans to meet with former US President Donald Trump in Florida after the summit sparked controversy and could potentially hinder the alliance's efforts.

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