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Schäuble praises the Greens and Jusos

Scholz "most dangerous opponent"

Schäuble in his former role as President of the 19th German
Schäuble in his former role as President of the 19th German

Schäuble praises the Greens and Jusos

The fact that the coalition government is in a deep crisis does not cause CDU veteran Wolfgang Schäuble to underestimate it. In particular, he does not do so with the Federal Chancellor. He even praises the SPD's youth organization and the Greens. Not so a coalition decision by the Hessian CDU.

The CDU veteran and former Federal Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble has praised the Greens and the Jusos, the youth organization of the SPD. Although he does not share their political goals, Schäuble told "Der Spiegel", they still have a "substantive core" that they are fighting for. "With the Jusos, this is slowly coming back, and in this respect I like it."

He could not understand why Hesse's CDU Minister President Boris Rhein was no longer negotiating a new coalition with the Greens, but with the Social Democrats instead. "I wouldn't have done that," said Schäuble, "Tarek Al-Wazir has been such a decent partner."

Schäuble still considers the Chancellor to be a dangerous opponent for the CDU despite his low poll ratings. "I said before the election that Scholz would be our most dangerous opponent," said Schäuble, "and he will also be in the next election." Some in his party had called him crazy at the time, but he had been proved right. Schäuble said that he thought it was quite possible that Scholz would achieve a completely different result in new elections than is currently reflected in the opinion polls. A large majority of people appreciated the Chancellor's cautious course in the Ukraine war.

Criticism of the work of the traffic light

Schäuble criticized the government under Scholz for its workmanship. He believes that they were sloppy and did a poor job on the heating law. And sticking to the budget and risking a constitutional crisis reminds him of the legendary SPD parliamentary group leader Herbert Wehner, according to Der Spiegel. At the beginning of the 1970s, when the CSU dragged Willy Brandt's Ostpolitik before the court, Wehner railed: "We won't let the assholes in Karlsruhe ruin our policies."

Wolfgang Schäuble has been a member of the German Bundestag since 1972, making him the longest-serving member of parliament. He has held numerous political offices during his political career. Under Chancellor Angela Merkel, he was Minister of the Interior and later Minister of Finance, a post that Olaf Scholz later also held in a government. Schäuble has been President of the 20th German Bundestag since 2021.

Despite his criticism of the government's workmanship, particularly on the heating law, Wolfgang Schäuble, a long-serving CDU member and former Finance Minister, still praises Olaf Scholz's Jusos-backed approach in some areas. However, Schäuble disagrees with Hesse's CDU Minister President Boris Rhein for not choosing the Greens as coalition partners, noting his positive experiences with Green politician Tarek Al-Wazir.


