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Saxony-Anhalt: Naturalization only with commitment to Israel

In future, naturalizations in Saxony-Anhalt will be checked to see if there are any indications of anti-Semitic attitudes. What does this mean for applicants?

Saxony-Anhalt Interior Minister Tamara Zieschang makes it clear: the right of the Israeli state
Saxony-Anhalt Interior Minister Tamara Zieschang makes it clear: the right of the Israeli state to exist is a German reason of state.

Middle East - Saxony-Anhalt: Naturalization only with commitment to Israel

From now on, applicants for naturalization in Saxony-Anhalt must declare their support for Israel's right to exist. This was stipulated by the Ministry of the Interior in a decree to the districts and independent cities at the end of November, as Minister Tamara Zieschang (CDU) said in Magdeburg.

The decree, which is available to the German Press Agency, states that the right of the Israeli state to exist is a reason of state for Germany. "Obtaining German citizenship requires a commitment to Israel's right to exist."

Applicants must therefore confirm in writing immediately before naturalization "that they recognize Israel's right to exist and condemn any efforts directed against the existence of the state of Israel ".

In the case of naturalization, attention should be paid to "whether there are indications that anti-Semitic attitudes are present", said Zieschang. The letter to the local authorities states that naturalization is ruled out if foreigners pursue activities that are directed against the free democratic basic order. This also includes anti-Semitic crimes or the denial of Israel's right to exist.

The decree recommends that local authorities specify the wording of the declaration. If applicants refuse to make a declaration, the naturalization certificate may not be issued. This should be noted in the file and the naturalization application should be rejected, it said.

Read also:

  1. Tamara Zieschang, the Ministry of the Interior in Saxony-Anhalt, has mandated that individuals seeking naturalization must affirm Israel's right to existence.
  2. The decree issued by Zieschang stipulates that Germany recognizes the right of Israel's state to exist as a matter of national interest.
  3. To obtain German citizenship, applicants must make a written commitment to supporting Israel's right to existence and condemning any attempts to undermine it.
  4. Zieschang emphasized that local authorities should scrutinize application files for any evidence of anti-Semitic sentiments, specifically those directed against Israel or its right to existence.
  5. The decree juristprudentially outlines that naturalization is denied to individuals who engage in activities that harm Germany's free democratic order, including anti-Semitic acts or denials of Israel's right to existence.
  6. In the event that applicants refuse to make the required declaration, the naturalization certificate might not be granted, and the application should be rejected.
  7. The decree suggests that local governments create alternate formulations of the commitment statement to accommodate various language competencies of the applicants.
  8. This recent development in Saxony-Anhalt's naturalization criteria has sparked controversy, with somegroups expressing opposition to the measure in municipalities across Germany and the Middle East.


