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Saxony-AfD also relies on Krah in election campaign

The Saxon AfD is getting in the mood for the state election campaign on Dresden's Schlossplatz. A politician who was not necessarily expected to be there - MEP Maximilian Krah.

Maximilian Krah comes to Dresden on Saturday. (archive picture)
Maximilian Krah comes to Dresden on Saturday. (archive picture)

Parties - Saxony-AfD also relies on Krah in election campaign

The Saxon AfD uses Maximilian Krah, the controversial European Parliament member, in its campaign for the September 1st state election. Krah, who is 47 years old, will speak at a rally for the campaign's approval on Dresden's Schlossplatz on Saturday, according to the party. Other speakers include Party and Faction Leader Jörg Urban, General Secretary Jan Zwerg, and Landtag Vice-President André Wendt. The AfD is conducting its campaign under the slogan "So that Saxony remains home."

Krah was the AfD's lead candidate for the European election. The far-right European Parliament alliance Identität und Demokratie (ID) had announced the suspension of cooperation with German representatives before the election due to Krah's controversial statements about the Nazi SS in an interview with an Italian newspaper. He also caused headlines due to alleged Russia and China connections for weeks.

Krah left the party leadership. He was excluded from the AfD delegation in the European Parliament.

The AfD was the strongest force in the Saxon European election with 31.8%. They are counting on this for the state election. In the polls, there is currently a head-to-head race with the Union – with a slight advantage for the AfD. The Saxon AfD state organization was classified as a securely right-wing extremist tendency by the Saxon Constitution Protection in December 2023. The party denies this and is fighting it legally.

  1. Maximilian Krah, once the AfD's lead candidate for the European elections, will participate in the party's state election campaign rally in Dresden's Castle Square on Saturday.
  2. Despite his controversial past, particularly his comments regarding the Nazi SS and alleged ties with Russia and China, Krah remains a key figure in the AfD's election campaign in Saxony.
  3. The European Parliament suspended cooperation with German representatives due to Krah's controversial statements, leading him to leave the party leadership and be excluded from the AfD delegation.
  4. Despite these controversies and the Saxon Constitution Protection's classification of the Saxon AfD as a securely right-wing extremist tendency, the party is currently leading in polls for the September 1st state election in Saxony.
  5. André Wendt, the Landtag Vice-President, will join Party and Faction Leader Jörg Urban, General Secretary Jan Zwerg, and Maximilian Krah at the AfD's campaign rally in Dresden's Castle Square on Saturday.
  6. The AfD is relying on its strong performance in the European elections to secure a victory in the state election, with its campaign slogan being "So that Saxony remains home."

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