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Saxon AfD will convince in campaign with AI

Power Change": With this wordplay, the Saxony AfD draws into the campaign. On a poster, party and faction leader Jörg Urban has been designated as "our minister-president

The Saxon AfD uses Artificial Intelligence in its election campaign as well.
The Saxon AfD uses Artificial Intelligence in its election campaign as well.

Elections in Saxony - Saxon AfD will convince in campaign with AI

The Saxon AfD confidently enters the campaign and aims for a sole government in the September 1st election in the Free State. At the presentation of the campaign, party and faction leader Jörg Urban did not hide his displeasure towards the currently represented parties in the parliament, but ruled out a coalition in principle. "We know that many people in Saxony have a great need for a political change, for things to really run differently than in the last few years." His party is in a good starting position. "We are leading in the polls. We want to become so strong that this power shift is possible."

Already at the campaign kick-off on Saturday in Dresden, Urban had announced a goal of 40 percent plus X. But now he also admitted that a sole government is very difficult to achieve. It is possible, however, if parties like the Greens and the SPD do not make it into the state parliament. Then one could potentially have a majority with 39 or 40 percent. Urban did not want to speculate about the number of direct mandates. At the EU election on June 9 - the AfD achieved 31.8 percent there and was 10 percentage points ahead of the CDU - it was shown that the AfD also led in the major cities. There is also the potential to win direct mandates there.

AI as a voter magnet

Just like the FDP, the AfD is relying on Artificial Intelligence in the campaign. With AI, the citizen can ask the party questions and receive an answer that draws on the party's basic program, the election programs from 2019 and 2024, and parliamentary initiatives of the AfD fraction. Whoever has questions for the AfD, should not have to browse through the entire program first, Urban said. The question about a possible coalition partner is answered by the AI. "The AfD aims to receive at least one third of the votes at the next state election to achieve a threshold minority. A concrete coalition statement will not be made, as we focus on the implementation of our political goals."

On campaign posters, Urban is listed as "our Minister-President". On one poster, the slogan "So that Saxony does not become like Berlin" is displayed. Urban explained on inquiry that the Saxon voter exactly knows what that means. The image of Berlin is a piece far gone, the condition of the capital being repelling to many Saxons, just like the Ruhr area. Another motif reads: "No tax money to Ukraine". According to Urban, his party is for peace as soon as possible. However, one has the impression that the Ukrainian government has no interest in peace as long as money flows there. Ukraine is already a "thoroughly corrupt country" for decades. No one has any responsibility for this country.

Jörg Urban, the party and faction leader of the AfD in Saxony, expressed his displeasure towards the currently represented parties in the parliament and ruled out a coalition with them during the campaign presentation. Urban's party has a leading position in the polls and aims to achieve a power shift in the September 1st election. He announced a goal of 40% plus X at the campaign kick-off in Dresden, but admitted that a sole government might be challenging if the Greens and the SPD make it into the state parliament.

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