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Saar-Health Minister for Reform of Long-Term Care Insurance

For years, financial burdens for care-dependent individuals and their families have been growing - and payments are rising again. Saar-Minister Jung has made a demand.

Health Minister Magnus Jung will face rising care costs with a reform of the nursing insurance.
Health Minister Magnus Jung will face rising care costs with a reform of the nursing insurance.

Costs for care-dependent persons - Saar-Health Minister for Reform of Long-Term Care Insurance

A reform of the Pflegeversicherung is, according to the Social and Health Minister of Saarland, Magnus Jung (SPD), becoming increasingly necessary. This was shown by the significantly increased contribution obligations, which he announced in Saarbrücken. A insurance is needed that sets an upper limit for the contribution of insured persons - this upper limit should be significantly below the previous contribution of insured persons.

An "indispensable prerequisite" is the introduction of a civil insurance, in order to prevent an extreme increase in contributions, to ensure equal access to medical care for all, and to guarantee a high level of services. "Only in this way can the extremely unequal financial situation between private and statutory insurance be adjusted", said the Minister.

Despite cost containment measures, according to the latest evaluation of the Association of Health Insurance Funds, the contribution of Pflegebedürftige in nursing homes has further increased from their own pockets. As of July 1st, the average monthly cost in a nursing home nationwide was 2,871 Euro - 211 Euro more than in the middle of 2023. Reasons for the higher costs are increased energy and food costs, as well as higher wages for caregivers.

In Saarland, many elderly individuals relying on care, known as Pflegebedürftige, are facing increased contribution costs in nursing homes, surpassing 2,871 Euro per month as of July 1st. This escalation in costs is attributed to factors such as higher energy and food expenses, as well as increased wages for alleviate this financial burden, Magnus Jung from the SPD in Saarland advocates for a reform of the Health Insurance, particularly focusing on setting a capped contribution for insured individuals, significantly lower than their current obligations. This proposed reform aims to ensure equal access to medical care for all Saarlanders and maintain a high level of services in the region.

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