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Rwanda plans: London wants to suspend human rights

London wants to deport asylum seekers to Rwanda regardless of their origin. This violates human rights. The government simply wants to suspend this if necessary.

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak wants to declare Rwanda a safe third country.
British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak wants to declare Rwanda a safe third country.

Migration - Rwanda plans: London wants to suspend human rights

The British government expressly refuses to let human rights stand in the way of its controversial plans to deport asylum seekers to Rwanda.

Conservative Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said a new bill would stipulate that key parts of Britain's Human Rights Act, which prescribes human rights, could not be applied in the case of Rwanda. This will ensure "that our plan cannot be stopped," Sunak said. The planned law is intended to declare Rwanda a safe third country.

What London is planning

The British government wants asylum seekers who enter the country irregularly to be flown out to the East African country immediately, regardless of their origin. They are to apply for asylum there and cannot return to the UK. The Supreme Court in London had stopped the project, citing deficits in the rule of law in Rwanda. With the new law, the government believes it can overcome these reservations. Prime Minister Sunak is under considerable pressure from the right wing to significantly reduce migration.

An extraordinary quote from Home Affairs Minister James Cleverly on the first page of the draft caused a stir. He is unable to say whether the law is compatible with the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), it says. The right wing of Sunak's Conservative Party is calling for the UK to withdraw from the ECHR so that international courts can no longer stop the project.

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