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Russia's backing for Ukraine's aggressive war has been refuted by China.

Allegations Levied by the U.S.A.

China has denied Russia's support for the war of aggression against Ukraine
China has denied Russia's support for the war of aggression against Ukraine

Russia's backing for Ukraine's aggressive war has been refuted by China.

United States accuses China of backing Russia's offensive against Ukraine, a claim China vehemently denies. In a press conference on Wednesday, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Lin Jian asserted, "China has never fueled the flames or sought profit from Ukraine's crisis, and has consistently advocated for peace negotiations."

Lin further expressed his disapproval of the US spreading unfounded accusations against China, adding, "We strongly object to the US propagating baseless claims without evidence." During a joint appearance with NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg on Tuesday, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken urged China to cease its "critical support" for Russia's military sector. He claimed that this support is facilitated by Chinese imports of machinery tools and microelectronics.

The US and NATO have repeatedly accused China of aiding Russia militarily through goods with dual civilian and military uses. In response to these allegations, Lin asserted, "China does not supply weapons to any of the involved parties, maintains stringent control over the export of goods with both civilian and military applications, and has received a significant amount of commendation from the international community."

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