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Russian warships dock at Havana's harbor.

Russian navy ships and a nuclear submarine receive a formal welcome in Cuba during a routine port visit. The US administration is carefully monitoring the situation.

People watch the arrival of the Russian Navy frigate "Admiral Gorshkov" in Havana harbor.
People watch the arrival of the Russian Navy frigate "Admiral Gorshkov" in Havana harbor.

Caribbean island country, Cuba, experiences a surge of tourists as restrictions with the United States ease. - Russian warships dock at Havana's harbor.

Russian naval vessels have docked at Havana, Cuba's capital, with 21 gun salutes fired to welcome the frigate "Admiral Gorshkov" near the Caribbean nation. Local media revealed on Wednesday that an atomic submarine was further observed off the Cuban coast. The distance between Havana and Key West, Florida is approximately 170 kilometers.

The purpose of the visit slated from June 12 to 17, as informed by the Cuban government, is to commemorate the strong friendship between the two nations. While news sources in the US suggest potential military training in the Caribbean, Cuba maintains that these visits are not related to any nuclear weapons.

The US National Security Advisor, Jake Sullivan, expressed on Wednesday while on his way to the G7 summit in Italy, "We've seen Russian naval deployments around Cuba previously." While acknowledging the current exercises as slightly different, Sullivan also stressed the close monitoring of the situation. He speculated, "We'll see how everything unfolds in the coming days." It is likely that Russia will continue with such actions.

In Moscow, Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov held talks with his Cuban counterpart Bruno Rodríguez. Rodríguez stated on the online forum X, "We are in unison on the flourishing condition of Cuba-Russia relations and the fortification of economic and trade relations, along with the implementation of projects across different sectors."

The US Navy reportedly dispatched three destroyers, a Coast Guard vessel, and a maritime surveillance plane to observe the Russian ships. Despite certain variations, Sullivan clarified that the Russian navy visiting Havana for a port visit is not a new occurrence.

Meanwhile, at the G7 meeting earmarked for Italy starting Thursday, featuring US President Joe Biden, the focus will be on Russia's conflict with Ukraine.

Read also:

  1. Amidst these developments, US media outlets have been vigilantly reporting about the naval activities in the Caribbean.
  2. The presence of Russian warships in Havana's harbor has sparked concerns among some political figures in the USA.
  3. The Naval vessel "Admiral Gorshkov" was accompanied by a large Russian military contingent during its visit to Cuba.
  4. The escalating tensions between Russia and the USA in regards to Ukraine have been a key topic of discussion in the G8 summit, with Joe Biden in attendance.
  5. The Cuban government has assured that the Russian naval visit is not related to any military training or the deployment of nuclear weapons, contradicting US media reports.
  6. In response to the Russian naval presence, a task force from the USA's Southern Command has been dispatched to Key West, Florida, to monitor shipping and shipping lanes in the Caribbean.
  7. Critics argue that Russia's naval deployment to Cuba could undermine the international agreements on disarmament and non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.
  8. It is worth noting that Italy, a G7 member, has traditionally maintained close diplomatic ties with both Cuba and Russia.
  9. Despite these political and military tensions, Cuba remains a popular tourist destination for many Americans, with thousands of visitors arriving in Havana every month.
  10. In light of these developments, the US President and the Russian Foreign Minister are expected to discuss the issue during their possible future meetings, aiming to maintain an open dialogue and ensure peace in the Caribbean region.



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