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Russian soldier describes distressing scenario in Vovchansk

"Nearly Half Perish on Initial Night"

Ukrainian soldiers in Vovchansk.
Ukrainian soldiers in Vovchansk.

Russian soldier describes distressing scenario in Vovchansk

Scores of Russian soldiers find themselves in a precarious position in Voruzhansk, as the outcome remains uncertain. Meanwhile, other Russian troops in this tiny town are experiencing significant hardships as well. A soldier, in a widely shared video, details a catastrophic scenario and speaks of substantial casualties.

The Russian army commenced their assault in early May with high spirits, aiming to seize the small town of Voruzhansk which they considered merely a stepping stone. This strategic location could potentially pave the way for capturing Kupyansk, 80 kilometers away, or even launching an attack against the second largest city in Ukraine, Kharkiv, despite President Vladimir Putin rejecting such plans. However, the reality seems to be quite different as Moscow's troops appear to be increasingly distanced from securing the city. A Russian soldier's despairing video gives voice to this troubling situation.

Recent accounts have surfaced of Russian soldiers cornered in Voruzhansk, with multiple rescue attempts proving unsuccessful. On Saturday night, a video circulated on various social media platforms showcasing the bombing of an industrial estate, supposedly housing up to 400 Russian soldiers. It's believed to be American ammunition dropped by Ukrainian military aircraft onto the town. Speculations about the soldiers' fate are rife, ranging from surrendering to atrocities.

Moreover, a brief video has emerged, seemingly depicting two Russian soldiers surrendering to Ukrainian forces. The authenticity and currentness of the video are yet to be clarified. Nevertheless, a Russian soldier's statements on Telegram add credibility to the impression that Russian troops are presently grappling with the situation in the town.

Anton Andreyev describes himself as a soldier with the fifth company in the 1009th Regiment, engaged in combat in the northeastern Ukrainian region of Kharkiv. He shares that his unit has suffered immense losses in Voruzhansk. Within the first night, half of them already perished, according to Andreyev. Currently, only 12 out of the initial 100 men are still alive.

Andreyev criticizes his commanders for relentlessly pushing them forward. "Keep moving, keep moving, don't stand still, take over sawmills, take over trenches," he recounts. They were told to carry minimal equipment to be more agile and mobile. But the lack of protection seems to have claimed many soldiers' lives. "They massacre us easily. We are sent out into open fire and drones, like meat," the soldier further laments.

Additionally, Andreyev reveals that his unit has been reinforced by newly recruited, untrained soldiers.

According to the British "Guardian", statements from Russian networks suggest that families in Russia are worried and seeking information about their male relatives, who have been deployed in Voruzhansk. "I haven't heard from my brother since May 12, when they were sent to Volochansk," wrote approximately Yevgeny in a post on the social media platform VK, often likened to Facebook. "I'm worried that the training only lasted a week. Is that even legal?" he questioned.

Though it's too early to celebrate the liberation of Wowchanske, the circumstances of Russian soldiers appear to be adversely challenging at the moment. There are claims online that Ukrainian soldiers are advancing towards the northern regions within the town. The named districts have reportedly been under Russian control thus far. Furthermore, a video is said to prove that Ukrainian soldiers have built a trench system about 15 kilometers west of Wowchanske, designed to deter the westward progression of Russian troops. However, these trenches are already said to be under Russian artillery bombardment.

Read also:

The attack on Ukraine in Voruzhansk, led by Russian troops, has resulted in significant casualties among their ranks, as depicted in a soldier's distressing video from Kharkiv. Reports suggest that Russian soldiers, including new recruits, are struggling to maintain their positions due to a lack of protection and equipment, making them easy targets for Ukrainian forces utilizing drones.



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