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Russian nuclear submarines conduct drills, focusing on hitting targets in the Barents Sea at 10:20.

Live updates on the ongoing Ukraine-Russia conflict

Kremlin leader Vladimir Putin (l.) and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un (r.) during their meeting in...
Kremlin leader Vladimir Putin (l.) and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un (r.) during their meeting in Pyongyang.

Russian nuclear submarines conduct drills, focusing on hitting targets in the Barents Sea at 10:20.

Russia deploys nuclear submarines for military exercises in the Barents Sea, according to Russian media. Ships from the Northern Fleet, which are nuclear-powered, fired missiles at targets in the sea, Russian news outlets report. The drill was reportedly a success. The Barents Sea is located off the northern coasts of Norway and Russia.

10:01 US Senator warns of potential Russian meddling in upcoming British elections

US Senator Mark Warner has warned that Russian meddling in the upcoming British elections is likely to escalate significantly before voting day on July 4, as reported by "Kyiv Independent." Warner, who chairs the Senate Intelligence Committee, stated that Russia and its allies are creating discord or trying to pit various groups against each other to widen social divisions in the UK. "The US is keeping a close eye on the situation in the UK," Warner added, and mentioned that the US has evidence of Russia's extensive attempts to interfere in elections across the globe. "Russia seems to dislike the fact that the UK has remained steadfast in its support of Ukraine," so Warner.

09:31 Munz: Announcement "vague" - Russia planning to revise Atom Doctrine

Russia is considering revising its Atom Doctrine. NTV correspondent Rainer Munz discusses possible reasons behind the announcement and examines Putin's first visit to North Korea in 24 years. According to a Russia expert, this visit indicates a significant shift in the Kremlin.

09:00 Putin thanks Kim for backing Kremlin's actions in Ukraine

Russian President Vladimir Putin thanked Kim Jong Un for his support of Russia's actions in Ukraine during his visit to North Korea. Kim pledged "full support and solidarity" to Russia, as reported by state Russian news agencies TASS and Ria Novosti. At the start of talks, Putin announced the signing of an agreement aimed at strengthening relations between Moscow and Pyongyang. According to Putin, this "new fundamental document" would serve as the foundation for long-term relations between the two countries. Putin praised the "close friendship" between the two states, which he said was based on "equality and respect for each other's interests."

08:31 Reisner: Initiative may shift - Ukraine deploys heavy Western weapons

Ukraine now has the capability to attack Russian targets with Western weapons. The pressure on Russian logistics is also evident at the front. Ukrainian forces may regain the initiative in some conflict zones, as Colonel Reisner of the Austrian Federal Army claims.

08:08 Kiev estimates Russian casualties at over 529,000 soldiers

Since the start of its offensive war on February 24, Russia has reportedly lost over 529,750 soldiers in Ukraine, according to an update by the General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Russia also lost 7984 tanks, 15,319 armored combat vehicles, 19,078 vehicles and fuel tanks, 14,007 artillery systems, 1104 multiple rocket launchers, 857 air defense systems, 359 aircraft, 326 helicopters, 11,221 drones, 28 ships and boats, and one submarine.

07:27 Putin announces new "foundational document" between Russia and North Korea

Russian President Vladimir Putin announced at his meeting with North Korea's leader Kim Jong Un in Pyongyang a new "foundational document" between the two countries. "Today, a new foundational document is ready, which will serve as the basis for our long-term relations," Putin said, according to Russian news agencies in Pyongyang. Moscow and Pyongyang have made significant progress in strengthening their bilateral relations, Putin added. Additionally, Putin extended an invitation to Kim to visit Moscow. "I'm looking forward to seeing you again," Putin said, who had previously visited Kim twice in the Far East of Russia, the last time in September and before that in April 2019. "I hope that our next meeting will take place in Russia, in Moscow," he emphasized. Putin arrived for a visit in North Korea the previous evening.

Previously, the US administration expressed concern over Putin's visit to North Korea. "The escalating cooperation between Russia and North Korea is something that should concern anyone who values peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula, as well as those who are supporting the Ukrainian people, who are still fighting against Russian aggression," said John Kirby, spokesperson for the US Defense Department, in Washington.

07:06 Russian court sentences US soldier to multi-year prison term

A Russian court sentenced a US soldier to a multi-year prison term for threats and theft. Gordon Black was sentenced by a court in Vladivostok to three years and nine months in prison, according to reports from state Russian news agencies RIA Novosti and TASS. Black's lawyer intends to appeal the verdict, TASS reported. Black was arrested in Vladivostok in May. He had visited a Russian woman there whom he had met during his service in South Korea. The Russian legal system accuses Black of physically assaulting Alexandra Waschtschuk and stealing 10,000 Rubles (approximately 109 Euros) from her. Black admitted to some wrongdoing, but denied threatening Waschtschuk with death, according to media reports. Waschtschuk was heavily intoxicated during the altercation. The two had met in October 2022 through a dating app in South Korea and had entered into a relationship. Waschtschuk later invited him to come to Vladivostok. According to the US Army, the soldier had completed his service in South Korea on April 10. Instead of returning to the United States, he traveled "for personal reasons" to Vladivostok over China.

23:31 Activist Shot in Kiev, UkraineA Kazakh opposition figure and popular blogger, Aydos Sadykow, sustained injuries after being shot near his residence in Kiev, as per his wife Natalia Sadykova and Ukrainian authorities. The attack took place near Sadykow's home in the Ukrainian capital. He was quickly transferred to a hospital, where his condition is reported as poor. Kiev has launched an investigation into the incident. Early reports suggest that an unknown assailant ran up to the car carrying Sadykow and his wife, fired shots at him, and then fled. Sadykow was granted asylum in Ukraine back in 2014. Alongside his wife, he manages a well-known online channel that critically examines the Kazakhstani president, Kassym-Jomart Tokayev. More than a million users follow him on YouTube.

22:15 Discussions on Deploying Long-Range Weapons among Partners by RussiaAs reported by the state news agency TASS, Russia is discussing the potential deployment of long-range weapons alongside its closest partners. The Russian government has significant partners in Asia and Latin America with whom crucial security matters are under discussion beyond just exchanging insights, TASS reported, quoting Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov. The discussion on deploying long-range weapons is ongoing with several partners as part of Russia's regular diplomatic and security endeavors, Ryabkov added. However, no additional details were provided about the specific countries or the weapons involved in these talks.

21:30 Another Journalist Arrested in Russia for Alleged Support of NavalnyA journalist has been detained in Russia on charges of backing the late opposition leader Alexei Navalny. Artem Kriger will remain in custody until August 18, as declared by a Moscow court. Kriger works for the labeled extremist anti-corruption organization FBK led by Navalny. Earlier, one of Sotavision's employees was also taken into custody.

20:15 Ukrainian Man Convicted for Treason and Sentenced to PrisonA Ukrainian man has been sentenced to fifteen years in prison for treason by a court in the Donetsk region, as per the prosecutor's office. The resident of Kostyantynivka, a city near the war zone, was found guilty of disclosing the positions of Ukrainian troops and the movements of Ukrainian artillery in the region through the Telegram service. The prosecutor's office stated that his actions were an act of treason. The Russian contact person for the man failed to deliver a counter-offer.

19:51 Ukraine Working Towards Joint Roaming Zone with EU Member StatesUkraine is moving forward in creating a joint roaming zone with EU countries. President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has signed a corresponding law. Although Ukraine is the first EU membership candidate nation to take this step, it must now receive a favorable evaluation from the EU on these legislative changes and initiate negotiations on joining the single roaming area with the EU, according to Digital Minister Mykhailo Fedorov.

18:48 Lindner Warns: NATO and EU could Fragment due to Ukraine PolicyFinance Minister Christian Lindner urges greater transparency in the German government's Ukraine policy, particularly in Eastern Germany. "German citizens must be given a clear explanation of Germany's Ukraine policy," says Lindner to the "Rheinische Post." He explains that the military aid, refugee aid, and economic aid provided to Ukraine are not only about assisting Ukraine in its struggle against Russia. Lindner argues that if we accept Russia's violation of international law and aggression, NATO and the EU could crumble. For example, Poland and the Czech Republic might question Germany's commitment in a critical situation, notes Lindner, the leader of the Free Democratic Party.

17:48 City Council Speaks Out Against Reducing Benefits for Ukrainian RefugeesThe German City Council cautions against cutting the benefits offered to Ukrainian refugees. They respond to the calls by several interior ministers to deny lower payments according to the Asylbewerberleistungsgesetz to future Ukrainian refugees. City Council President Markus Lewe tells the Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland, "The Prime Ministers should not engage in a debate with the Federal Chancellor over the citizen's pension payments to Ukrainian women and men." Lewe argues that access to language courses, employment agencies, or qualification would be significantly hampered, making it difficult for Ukrainian refugees to find work if they had to switch to the asylum system instead. Moreover, the administrative burden for the cities would increase significantly.

16:43 Defense Agreement with the USA Approved by Swedish ParliamentWith a wide margin, the Swedish Parliament has approved a contentious defense agreement with the United States. Following a five-hour debate, 266 deputies voted in favor of the agreement, whereas 37 voted against. Critics express concerns over the potential deployment of atomic weapons in Sweden and the establishment of permanent US military bases in the country. The agreement, signed by Stockholm and Washington in December, grants the USA access to 17 military support points and training areas in Sweden and allows for the storage of weapons, military equipment, and ammunition.

11:42 Misleading EM Card Incident: Kerner Sincerely Apologizes for TV GaffeA breakdown with a faulty Europa Card led TV host Johannes B. Kerner to issue an apology during the live airing of the Football-EM on MagentaTV and RTL. A card erroneously depicting Crimea as detached from Ukraine was presented prior to the Turkey vs Georgia match. "This was an authentic blunder, one that truly disheartens us, and we earnestly apologize for it", Kerner expressed, categorizing the mistake as a grave one.

20:51 Zelenskyy: Strategic Use of Foreign Weapons on Russian TerritoryUkrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy views the use of foreign weapons against Russian territory as highly effective. The demolition of Russian fortifications and launch sites near the border is crucial, Zelenskyy emphasized in his daily video address. "It's playing out exactly as we anticipated." The Ukrainian president applauded several unspecified units for their successes.

20:12 Deadly Mine Blast in Russian Border AreaAs per local governor Alexander Bogomas, two individuals lost their lives in a mine explosion in the Russian region of Bryansk, near the Ukrainian border. "Residents illegally entered a restricted border zone, disregarding warning signs for mine danger", Bogomas clarified on social media. "Regrettably, two locals perished instantly from a mine explosion." Another individual was reportedly injured. The incident took place in the Klimovsky district, which adjoins the northern Ukrainian region of Chernihiv. Bogomas advised people to "stay cautious and refrain from visiting areas near borders where signs indicate mines have been laid." Russia has fortified its border regions during the ongoing two-year-long conflict in Ukraine. In this month alone, there have been numerous mining accidents. In the past week, four individuals, including a journalist from state television, were injured by a mine explosion in the Belgorod region, which also shares a border with Ukraine.

You can catch up on earlier events here.

Kremlin leader Vladimir Putin (l.) and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un (r.) during their meeting in Pyongyang.

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