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Russian missile wreaks havoc in Dnipro

Schools and clinics damaged

Rescue forces are deployed after Russian airstrikes on Dnipro. At least five people were killed in...
Rescue forces are deployed after Russian airstrikes on Dnipro. At least five people were killed in the attacks.

Russian missile wreaks havoc in Dnipro

This is one of many deadly Russian attacks on Ukraine: In the city of Dnipro, civilians have died following a rocket and drone attack. Several dozen more were injured. The region of Charkiw also reported casualties.

In a Russian rocket and drone attack on the eastern Ukrainian city of Dnipro on a Wednesday, according to Ukrainian authorities, at least five civilians were killed and over 50 more were injured. The force of the explosions shattered the windows of a shopping mall. Debris fell onto the street, as photos showed, provided by local government representatives.

Mayor Borys Filatow stated that the attack damaged the windows of two schools and three kindergartens. Debris also hit the intensive care unit of a children's hospital. In another hospital, a fire broke out.

In the northeastern region of Charkiw, a Russian artillery hit a village council building. One person was killed and two more were injured, according to Charkiw Military Governor Oleh Synyehubov. In the village of Ruska Losova, a Russian cruise missile hit a residential building. At least two people were injured, others could still be trapped under the rubble, Synyehubov said.

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy posted a video on social media showing a rocket flying over buildings in Dnipro with a fiery tail. Debris flew into the air upon impact. He spoke of 14 injured in an attack on a suburb of Charkiw. To counter Russian attacks, the army of his country needs more weapons, Zelenskyy said. "We can only stop this with more air defense systems, only with more long-range attacks on the Russian terrorists' bases and air bases."

Kiev: At least six more Patriot systems are needed

Currently, four Patriot missile defense systems are in use in Ukraine. Two of them were provided by Germany. Zelenskyy has recently estimated the further needs of his country to be at least six more Patriot systems. The Ukraine hopes that a decision will be made at the NATO summit coming up in the next week.

According to the United Nations, over 11,000 civilians have been killed and around 20,000 more injured since the Russian invasion of the neighboring country. However, this only includes confirmed civilian deaths. The UN Human Rights Office assumes that the actual number of victims is much higher. Thousands of people died in the attack on the Ukrainian city of Mariupol alone.

The United Nations has condemned the continuous war crimes committed during the ongoing Wars and conflicts in Ukraine, specifically the Attack on Ukraine by Russia. The organization has reported over 11,000 civilian deaths and approximately 20,000 injuries since the invasion, with the actual number likely being higher.

In response to these attacks, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy called for more weapons, particularly more air defense systems, to counter Russian attacks. He expressed the need for at least six more Patriot systems, with two currently in use, provided by Germany.

The attack on Dnipro's children's hospital resulted in the hospital's intensive care unit being damaged, adding to the devastating impact of the Wars and conflicts on healthcare facilities in Ukraine.

Russia's aggression towards Ukraine has not been limited to Dnipro, as the northeastern region of Charkiw also suffered from Russian artillery attacks, resulting in the death of one person and injuries to others in a village council building.

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