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Russian authorities accuse the US of causing fatalities among women and children in the country.

Employment of Western-made armaments.

Russia is said to have formulated a strategy paper for the AfD.
Russia is said to have formulated a strategy paper for the AfD.

Russian authorities accuse the US of causing fatalities among women and children in the country.

Russia has pointed the finger at the US for the first time, claiming they are responsible for the deaths of women and children in Russia due to arms deliveries to Ukraine. Maria Zakharova, the spokesperson for the Foreign Ministry, declared that Ukraine had used weapons furnished by the Americans in the past week to launch attacks in the Belgorod border region.

On the subject of these US-backed assaults, Ms. Zakharova said, "This is tantamount to a confession...for the murder of children and women in the Belgorod region." She added, "Fragments of HIMARS rockets will serve as direct evidence" in proving their claim. She failed to display any rocket fragments. Reuters was unable to independently confirm this claim. Neither Ukraine nor the United States responded immediately to the accusation.

This allegation comes after Russian President Vladimir Putin issued warnings, stating that the West is risking global conflict if they grant Ukraine permission to utilize their weapons on Russian soil. In February 2022, Russia invaded the borders of its neighbor, showcasing its military control over substantial regions in Ukraine's east and south ever since.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced on May 31 that President Joe Biden had consented to letting Ukraine defend the Charkiv region, which borders Belgorod, with US weapons against Russian aggressions - even if it implies attacks on Russian territory. In spite of this, the US still forbids Ukraine from utilizing US weapons for attacks more in-depth within Russian territories.

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