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Russia will militarily react to planned stationing of US weapons in Germany

According to the government

Russia is believed to have formulated a strategy paper for the AfD.
Russia is believed to have formulated a strategy paper for the AfD.

Russia will militarily react to planned stationing of US weapons in Germany

**Russia will militarily respond, according to the Foreign Ministry, to the planned stationing of longer-range US weapons in Germany. The Russian security will be disrupted by such weapons, Vice Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov told the state news agency Tass in St. Petersburg. It's a "link in the escalation chain" of NATO and the USA against Russia, he said. "We will, without showing nerves or emotions, prepare a mainly military response to that." He didn't provide details.

On the sidelines of the NATO summit, the White House and the German government announced that for the first time since the Cold War, US weapon systems would be stationed in Germany that can reach Russia. From 2026, Tomahawk cruise missiles with a range of over 2000 kilometers, SM-6 missile defense systems, and new supersonic weapons will ensure a better protection of NATO allies in Europe. The planned stationing, however, is more than a year after the US presidential election in November; a possible President Donald Trump could reverse it.**

The announcement of US weapon stationing in Germany, as stated by the White House and the German government, has been characterized as a disruption to Russian security by the Russian Foreign Ministry. This planned stationing includes Tomahawk cruise missiles, SM-6 missile defense systems, and new supersonic weapons, which are set to be deployed from 2026. After the US presidential election in November, there's a possibility that a potential President Donald Trump could alter this decision.

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