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Russia unleashes heavy-weight ordnance in ongoing conflict against Ukraine.

Escalating Military Conflict in Ukraine

Russia deploys new bomb weighing several tons in war against Ukraine
Russia deploys new bomb weighing several tons in war against Ukraine

Russia unleashes heavy-weight ordnance in ongoing conflict against Ukraine.

The Russian military has been employing a sizable explosive device in their assault on the Charkiw region, eastern Ukraine. As per state news agency Tass, military analyst Igor Korotchenko, linked to the Kremlin, finds the deployment of this weapon effective, citing its severe impact. The attack on crucial Ukrainian military infrastructure is said to facilitate the advance. Initial reports suggest a hospital was targeted in the initial strike, with Russian military bloggers sharing images of a major blast. So far, two utilizations of this bomb have been verified. Yesterday, a hospital in Lypzi was bombarded, and today, another building, a school, was destroyed at the same location. The Russian military argues that the presence of troops made both structures legitimate military targets.

The guided bomb, resembling the FAB-3000, tips the scales at three tons, with its warhead approximately 1200 kg. Thanks to its wings, it can be hurled from over 30 km away. Russian pilots generally release these bombs from within Russian territory. In response, Kiev has continuously called for the authority to attack military targets on Russian soil with Western weaponry, having reinforced its air defense.

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