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Russia reports drone attacks against the Crimea (Ukraine)

Parts collapse in residential area

Sewastopol is the largest city on the Crimea peninsula.
Sewastopol is the largest city on the Crimea peninsula.

Russia reports drone attacks against the Crimea (Ukraine)

Since the beginning of Russia's offensive war against Ukraine, Moscow has used annexed Crimea as a supply and attack base. Occupation authorities report over 15 drones over the sea before the strategically important seaport of Sevastopol. The Russian army has destroyed these drones.

According to Russian authorities, Ukraine has again attacked the Crimean peninsula with drones. The Russian army has destroyed over 15 drones over the sea before the seaport of Sevastopol, Sevastopol's pro-Russian mayor Mikhail Razvozhayev wrote on Telegram. Institutions in the city on the Crimean peninsula annexed by Russia since 2014 were not damaged, he added.

Fragments of drones were dropped in a residential area, a truck was damaged, it was further reported. The situation is being monitored. Razvozhayev made no statements about casualties or deaths in his Telegram post.

A Ukrainian rocket exploded at a public beach near the naval base Sevastopol a month ago. Local authorities reported that at least four people were killed and over 150 injured.

Russia has been waging an offensive war against neighboring Ukraine since February 2022. Ships of the Russian Black Sea Fleet regularly bombard Ukrainian cities with rockets. Since the beginning of its large-scale invasion two years ago, Moscow has used Crimea as a supply and attack base against Ukraine.

In the past few weeks, the Ukrainian army has managed to damage military objectives of the Russians - among other things on the already annexed Crimean peninsula. The latest report by Razvozhayev on July 15 was about a Ukrainian drone attack on the seaport.

Ukraine is defending itself against the invasion with Western military aid. The range of its combat drones has grown, allowing it to attack more and more targets in Russian territory to prevent or complicate military supply. The number of casualties and damages on Russian territory is not in proportion to the extensive damages and thousands of deaths and injuries in Ukraine.

Vladimir Putin's government has accused Ukraine of conducting a series of drone attacks on the Crimean peninsula, which Russia annexed in 2014. The latest attack was reported by Sevastopol's pro-Russian mayor Mikhail Razvozhayey on July 15, targeting the strategically important seaport. This follows a trend of increased Ukrainian drone activity against Russian military objectives, aided by Western military support. Despite these attacks, the Russian army has successfully destroyed over 15 drones before they could cause significant damage. The political implications of these ongoing Crime-Conflict drone attacks remain a pressing concern.

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