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Russia Launches Assault on Energy Infrastructure, Targets Fuel Depot in Kiev

Equipped with Iskander missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles (drones).

Fuel depots are now burning again and again in Russia - like here in Azov on Tuesday.
Fuel depots are now burning again and again in Russia - like here in Azov on Tuesday.

Russia Launches Assault on Energy Infrastructure, Targets Fuel Depot in Kiev

Every night, the wreckage piles up. Countless Ukrainian energy providers detail the wreckage after intense aerial assaults. Simultaneously, Russia mourns the blazes in two fuel storage centers, allegedly triggered by Ukrainian drones.

As per Kiev's declaration, a massive Russian air raid targeted various energy infrastructure facilities in Ukraine. The national energy supplier acknowledged damages in Vinnyzja, Dnipropetrowsk, Donetsk, and Kiev, though the precise extent remains undetermined.

The Vinnyzja region sustained damage due to debris from a destroyed Russian combat drone, according to Regional Governor Serhij Borzov via Telegram. In the Kiev region, a power line and an unnamed industrial facility were struck, local reports conveyed. The city of Dnipro and the Saporischschja area witnessed nighttime explosions.

As per the Ukrainian Air Force, the combined attack employed 4 cruise missiles, 2 guided missiles, and 27 combat drones. It is reported that all drones and five of the other missiles were neutralized. Nevertheless, three ballistic missiles of the Iskander-M type, rarely intercepted, successfully hit their targets.

Meanwhile, Ukrainian drones are alleged to have caused harm to two fuel storage centers in turn, as claimed by Russian authorities. A tank farm in the Enem Village near Krasnodar in southern Russia and a storage facility in the Tambov region south of Moscow were affected. A total of fifteen drones were brought down, the Russian Defense Ministry announced.

Ever since Russia launched its broad assault on Ukraine in February 2022, extensive areas of the energy infrastructure have been decimated, with power outages being a regular occurrence. Ukrainian attacks in the Russian interior aim principally to hamper the fuel provision for the Russian military.

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