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Russia is advancing towards the southern region.

Most Challenging Bouts of the Month

Russia is advancing towards the southern region.

Russian forces have shifted their focus in eastern Ukraine, with intense attacks reported near Kurachove. This small town, situated south of Pokrovsk, which was previously the primary focus of Russian troops, has taken center stage. The heaviest fights this month have happened here, as per the Ukrainian government's reports. While Russia aims to dismantle Ukrainian logistics, create new front lines, and gain control over Donetsk's eastern region, they're also pushing towards Pokrovsk, a significant railway junction.

Pokrovsk, a tough nut to crack on the eastern front, and Kurachove are currently the two battlegrounds. Near Kurachove, Ukrainian forces have reportedly repelled 64 attacks in the past 24 hours. Meanwhile, near Pokrovsk, they've managed to ward off 36 attacks during the same period. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy commends his troops for maintaining their positions.

However, the Russian military seems to be targeting Hirnyk, a coal mining town south of Kurachove. While Ukrainian and Russian sources cannot be independently verified, Russian military blog Dwa Majora claims significant progress in the region for Moscow's forces.

Russian President Zelenskyy previously celebrated a Ukrainian breakthrough in the Russian Kursk Oblast. The enemy was supposedly stopped in the Charkiv region, and the Russian advance slowed down in Donetsk. Nevertheless, Russia has yet to achieve significant successes in its counterattack in Kursk.

Russia, however, is not deterred. This week, they attempted to drive out Ukrainian forces seriously. Claims of recapturing 10 of the 100 occupied villages have been made, but these have not been confirmed. Zelenskyy suspects Moscow's intention to deploy 60,000-70,000 soldiers to this sector, with around 40,000 troops already present.

Paraphrased text:

Russian troop activities in eastern Ukraine have shifted towards Kurachove. Intense battles have been reported near this southern town, which until recently was the primary focus of Russian forces. The Ukrainian government claims the heaviest fights this month have occurred in this area, with Russia aiming to disrupt Ukrainian logistics and gain control over eastern Donetsk.

Pokrovsk, another tough target, and Kurachove remain the main battlegrounds. Ukrainian forces have successfully repelled several attacks in the past 24 hours, both near Pokrovsk and Kurachove.

Meanwhile, Russian forces appear to be focusing their efforts on Hirnyk, a coal mining town south of Kurachove. Reports suggest significant progress by Moscow's forces in the region, although their claims cannot be independently verified.

Zelenskyy previously celebrated a Ukrainian breakthrough in the Russian Kursk Oblast, but Russia's counterattack in Kursk has yet to yield significant results. This week, Russia made a serious attempt to drive out Ukrainian forces from the sector, with claims of recapturing 10 of the 100 occupied villages—but these claims have not been confirmed.

Zelenskyy is wary of Moscow's intent to deploy 60,000-70,000 soldiers to this sector, with around 40,000 troops already present. Experts question the feasibility of redeploying larger Russian troop formations from Donetsk and other regions to Kursk.

The Russian focus in eastern Ukraine has shifted towards The Donbass, specifically towards Kurachove, where intense battles are being reported. Despite Ukrainian forces repelling numerous attacks near Kurachove, Russian forces are also targeting nearby Hirnyk, aiming to gain an advantage in the region.

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