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Russia detains US journalists Gershkovich for years

Allegedly spying for CIA

Gershkovich must serve his sentence in a strict regime penal colony.
Gershkovich must serve his sentence in a strict regime penal colony.

Russia detains US journalists Gershkovich for years

For over a year, "Wall Street Journal" reporter Evan Gershkovich has been sitting in a Russian prison. Now, a court has sentenced him to 16 years in prison. The reason: He is accused of spying for the CIA. The journalist and the US deny the allegations.

The "Wall Street Journal" reporter Evan Gershkovich has been sentenced to 16 years in prison in Russia. The judges saw the charge of spying as proven, according to Russian news agencies. The prosecution had previously demanded a sentence of 18 years. The journalist must serve his sentence in a strict regime labor colony.

The unusual speed at which the trial was held behind closed doors has fueled speculation about a possible prisoner exchange between Russia and the US. Gershkovich was accused of collecting information on behalf of the US intelligence service CIA about a Russian tank manufacturer. The 32-year-old denies the allegations.

The "Wall Street Journal" sees the proceedings as a show trial, whose outcome is already predetermined. Gershkovich was arrested in March 2023 and has been in custody since then. The Russian government announced that the journalist was caught in the act, but has not released any evidence. The US embassy in Moscow has repeatedly demanded Gershkovich's immediate release. It accused the Russian government of misusing US citizens to achieve political goals. The court proceedings were not public.

Numerous Western media have withdrawn their correspondents from Russia after Russian President Vladimir Putin issued laws with heavy penalties for "discrediting" the military or spreading "fake news" in the context of the attack on Ukraine. Russian-American journalist Alsu Kurmasheva was arrested last year for violating the law on "foreign agents" and spreading false information about the military. She also denies the charges.

The United States of America has strongly criticized the 16-year prison sentence given to "Wall Street Journal" reporter Evan Gershkovich in Russia, calling it an unjustified violation of press freedom. This sentence, according to the US, serves as a means for Russian President Vladimir Putin to suppress critical voices in politics.

The case of Evan Gershkovich has added to the strained relations between the United States and Russia, with the US viewing it as a threat to freedom of the press globally. The Russian government's accusations of spying have been vehemently denied by both the journalist and the United States.

The imprisonment of Evan Gershkovich and other journalists in Russia has raised concerns about the freedom of the press in Russia, a matter that is closely monitored by international organizations championing democracy and human rights.

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